Food baby

Chapter 5

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Carol piped up, “You hungry?” Amanda giggled patting her belly again, “Carol from now on, I’m always hungry!” The girls pulled on sweats and t-shirts and went to VI for a breakfast feast. While at VI, Amanda cell went off, it was Matt. “Hey, good morning, Matt.” “Good Morning yourself, what’s up?” “Oh not much, Carol and I are at VI, stuffing our faces.” Matt chuckled, “I wish I was there!” Amanda giggled, “I bet you do!” “Amanda, I wanted to call and tell you what a fantastic time I had last night, you are awesome!” “Oh thanks, Matt, that is so sweet, I had a really great time too!” “Amanda, would you like to hang out tonight?” “That’s sounds good Matt. Do you want to come get me at the house?” “Yes, Amanda, I will come and get you around six. Is that okay?” “Matt, sounds great I will see you at six, bye, bye.” “Bye Amanda.” Matt hung up.

Carol giggled, “Wow, another “date” with Matt. I think he has fallen for you, Amanda.” Amanda giggled, “I hope so, I really like him too, especially since he likes his girlfriends ‘well fed”. Amanda and Carol finished there breakfast and headed back to the house. The girls got ready to take a shower, Carol could not help noticing how bloated Amanda was. “Wow Amanda, you have some serious tummy bulge there girl!” Amanda giggled and patted her bloated and stuffed belly, “I know I have been such a little piggy these last two days, but I have really enjoyed the overeating! I might have to borrow some clothes from you, Carol, the rate I am going.” Carol laughed and replied, “My pleasure Amanda, you just enjoy yourself.”

The girls just hung out the rest of the day. They went to Carl’s Junior for nice big burgers for lunch and then lay around the rest of the day. Carol asked around three thirty, “Amanda, are you going to work out today?” Amanda absently ran her hand over her still full belly, “No Carol I’m not, I just don’t feel like it, plus I’d have to take another shower before Matt’s picks me up.”

Amanda pulled off her long t-shirt around five thirty and started to get ready to go over to Matt’s. Amanda’s belly was still bloated from all the eating and just being lazy. She pulled on a short t-shirt that left her belly exposed, she pulled on (not without some difficulty) a pair of low rise jeans. She giggled to herself, looking in the mirror noticing a distinct bulge over the waist band. She then went downstairs and weighted for Matt to pick her up.

Matt arrived right on time a few minutes later. “Amanda, you look so hot tonight!” Amanda giggled and ran her hand over her “tummy bulge”, “I’m glad you think so Matt. What do you want to do?” “How about some supper?” Amanda thought, “God he wants to feed me again, well there goes my figure!” “Matt I would love some supper.” “I was thinking about CiCi’s Pizza down on First Avenue.” Replied Matt. “Matt that sounds wonderful, shall we go?” Matt stuck out his arm and Amanda gleefully inserted her arm through his and they went out to Matt’s Porsche. On the drive over, Amanda was giddy thinking of the wonderful pizzas at CiCi’s. In the past she had been so worried about her weight, she only nibbled on a slice of cheese pizza and a salad, but tonight she was planning on having everything she wanted.

Matt and Amanda went in, he paid the fee and they started down the buffet. Matt asked, “Amanda, are you going to have a salad?” Amanda giggled, “No Matt, I want pizza!” She got a plate and loaded it with several slices each of macaroni and cheese, peperoni, sausage and double cheese pizzas (much to Matt’s delight!) The couple sat down and Amanda pounded down the slices, one right after another. She finished and got up to get more. Matt noticed her tummy bulge was getting bigger! Amanda came back, plopped into her chair and started in on her second plate full of pizza. She giggled as she ate the slices, “Matt, the last time I was here, I only had a salad and a half a slice of cheese pizza, I have dreamed about coming back here and really enjoying myself, great idea to come here tonight!”

After finishing her second plate, Amanda discreetly unbuttoned her jeans letting her bloated belly stick out. She got up to get a third round of pizzas. Matt noticed her jeans unbuttoned and her belly bulging. Amanda came back and sat down heavily. “Whoa, Matt I am getting so full, but this pizza tastes so wonderful, I just can’t stop!” Matt was getting pretty turned on watching Amanda gorge herself. She finished the third plate, leaning back in her chair, her midriff baring t-shirt was showing a lot more belly now, riding up on her bulging stomach. She was resting her hand on her belly, Matt said, “Amanda would you like some desert?” Amanda giggled, patting her bulge, “Matt I thought you would never ask!” Matt hurried to the desert section of the buffet and loaded a bowl with pudding, another with ice cream and a handful of brownies and brought them back to Amanda. Amanda shrieked with delight, “Oh Matt these look awesome, then in a low, sexy voice, “Matt feed me!” Matt dutifully spooned the ice cream and pudding into Amanda’s weighting mouth. He held the brownies up, letting Amanda nibble bites off of them, until she was totally engorged, bloated and stuffed!

Amanda was slouched back in her chair, her amazing belly was bulging out in front of her. Her jeans were now un-zipped exposing her tight bikini panties. Her t-shirt had ridden up over her belly button. Matt was beside himself he was so turned on looking at what Amanda had done to herself.

Amanda burped and giggled, “Burp, oh excuse me! I am so stuffed right now! Matt let’s go, you need to rub this (patting her bloated belly) before I burst!”

Matt helped Amanda to her feet, she literally waddled to the door she was so stuffed. Matt got her in the passenger seat on his Porsche. Amanda was stuffed and full she nearly fell to the ground getting in. Matt reached around her to buckle the seat belt and Amanda pulled him down to her and kissed him hard on the lips, “Matt hurry, please I really want to rub my belly!”

They drove to the frat house and Matt discreetly snuck Amanda up to his suit. They got in the door and Amanda pressed her engorged belly against Matt and kissed him again. The staggered to the couch in each other’s embrace, still kissing and flopped on the couch. Amanda said, “Matt pull off my jeans, they are really much too tight now!” Matt was no fool, he pulled off her jeans to be rewarded by Amanda on his couch in just a tiny, tight bikini panty and an overstretched t-shirt. Matt bent down and kissed Amanda’s belly. She giggled, “Oh Matt that feels so good, please rub my belly, now , please.”

Matt massaged Amanda belly for an hour, making out the whole time. Around nine thirty he carried Amanda to his bed where they made love and then fell asleep. They spooned Matt loved the feeling of Amanda new “food baby” pressing into the small of his back.

Matt woke up around two thirty, he started to play with Amanda’s belly to wake her up. Amanda yawned, “Hey babe.” “Amanda, do you want to go back to your house before morning?” “Yes Matt I should, especially since, I can’t get back in these jeans!” She giggled. “I will need to borrow one of your t-shirts, too.”

Amanda and Matt got up. She pulled on her bikini and left her bra and t-shirt on. Matt got her a T-shirt of his. Amanda looked in the mirror, before pulling the t-shirt over her head. She giggled and patted her belly. “Matt it looks like I have grown another food baby!” Matt kissed her hard. “Amanda, you have an awesome food baby!” She pulled the t-shirt on and a final kiss and serious fondling, they headed down to Matt’s Porsche to drive her over to her sorority house.

Matt helped her out of the car at her house. Amanda got up and pressed herself against Matt again, kissed him again, “Matt I adore you so much, I am so glad you love my food baby belly, because I love it too!” Amanda stepped back and placed her hands in the small of her back and arched her back, sticking out her belly, she stood pigeon toed, the t-shirt riding up, exposing her bikini, “Matt don’t I look great with my nice, big, round food baby.” She giggled. Matt could only stammer, “Amanda, you are so awesome I love you!” They kissed again, Matt patted Amanda as she turned to go into her sorority house. She giggled, patting her bottom cheeks, “These are going to get bigger too!” She went through the door. Matt stood there, “God I have to marry her! She is the best girl I have ever dated!”

Amanda managed to get to her room without anyone seeing her without pants on. She went in and closed the door behind her. Carol rolled over on her bed, “So how was your second date with Matt?” Amanda giggled, “Turn on the light and see for yourself!” Carol flicked on the light and Amanda arched her back again, sticking out her belly, still wearing only bikini panties and Matt’s t-shirt.

Carol shrieked, “Amanda your food baby is huge!” Amanda just giggled, “I know, I’m driving Matt wild with my eating and get so bloated. “ She patted her bugling belly, “I’m going to bed. It’s tiring eating so much!”

The next morning, Amanda woke up first and went down to the rest room to use the toilet. She admired last night’s handy work in the mirror before going back to her room. Carol was in bed yawning when Amanda came back in. “Wow Amanda, your food baby is still showing!” Amanda giggled and patted her tummy bulge. “I know! It feels so good, I’m starting jiggle when I’m walking! It feels awesome, too!”

Carol asked, “Are you hungry?” Amanda just giggled again, patting her belly bulge, “Duh!” Carol laughed, “Well let’s go to VI and eat!” They pulled on sweat pants and headed down to Carol’s car and drove to their “home away from home” Village Inn.

Their favorite waitress was working. She looked up to see two of her loyal patrons come in. She thought to herself, “Good tips today, those two eat like horses.”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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