My quarantine girlfriend

Chapter 3

1 year and 9 months in and now weighing 291 pounds:

Sitting here with almost feminine looking moobies and a big, soft, and tear dropped shaped belly resting upon my now pillowy thighs, it’s hard for me to believe that I ever was in shape, let alone had blown up so fast. I hardly recognize myself in the mirrors these days with my plump and now cherub cheeks completely obscuring my former strong jaw line and high cheek bones. They were still there, I knew that, but no one else could as they are now covered by so many thick layers of fat, not to mention the fact that I now have multiple chins to go along with my fat cheeks.

And what’s crazy, it didn’t start out all that badly. Like I had promised myself, I got back into a regular workout routine with Mary and even started cutting back on my portion sizes and servings, much to Mary’s chagrin for some reason. To say that my progress was slow was and understatement, as I only managed to lose 11 pounds in two months. I just couldn’t push myself like I used to. Hell, I even struggled to keep up with a much more spry and only 250 pound Mary. And that’s worrisome, because Mary is a lot shorter and I think still fatter than me, I think.

Anyway, I kept up the slow slog, until I fatefully decided to pick up the pace a bit and try to play some recreational basketball. Well, that was a huge mistake as only three days into playing, I broke my ankle in three places and partially ruptured my Achilles tendon. Luckily, neither injury left any real permanent damage, but they did require me to be completely bedridden or couch-ridden as it was in my case, for three months, before rehab would even be considered.

Well, with no exercise and a doting wife, constantly cooking and baking my favorite comfort foods, well, I’m sure you can guess what really happened. The weight came back with a vengeance, and worst of all, the was literally nothing I could do about it. I was so sore, that even lifting dumbbells agitated my condition, therefore, my only meaningful exercise, was gobbling down Mary’s delicious foods. Mary, for her part sweetened the deal by always giving me sweet release after every major stuffing.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Attack6100 11 months
Please more lol, its kinda good
Deenyboy 1 year
love all your stories! cant wait to see more! also idk if you took it off but i was enjoying “gradual change” 😅
Krtek01 1 year
Perfect begining!