Seraphina , amazon feeder

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, in a world where fantasies knew no limits, there was a beautiful dominant female Amazon named Seraphina. She possessed an enchanting confidence, strong enough to make the boldest hearts tremble. Seraphina had a natural allure that drew all eyes, captivating those who yearned for an extraordinary blend of power and sensuality. She was admired by many, but only one caught her discerning eye – a curvaceous, captivating man named Arthur.

Arthur, a self-assured yet submissive feedee, possessed a deep desire to be completely controlled and cherished by a dominant woman. His heart raced with anticipation, imagining surrendering himself to Seraphina's expert hands, knowing she could unlock depths of pleasure he had never dreamed of. Arthur was a man who embraced his size, his voluptuous figure pampered with love and affection. And it was his charming confidence that ultimately won Seraphina's attention.

One evening, Seraphina invited Arthur to her lavishly decadent chambers. The room was adorned with luxurious furnishings and accented by flickering candlelight – setting the stage for their intense encounter. As Arthur stepped through the door, he knew his life was about to change forever. Seraphina, dressed in black lace and leather, exuding magnetic energy, took his breath away. Her piercing green eyes stared into his, asserting her dominance, and Arthur felt a shiver of excitement that ran through his entire being.

With her seductive voice, Seraphina commanded Arthur to kneel before her. His vulnerable surrender only increased her desire to dominate him further. She whispered that she would fill him with pleasure, guiding him on a journey of indulgence and acceptance like no other. Arthur's heart raced as she took him by the hand, leading him to a plush, oversized chaise. She began to feed him sumptuous, succulent treats – rich, creamy delights that melted in his mouth. Each morsel was an expression of her affection, bringing him closer to the brink of ecstasy.

Seraphina reveled in the sensual power she held over Arthur. Her touch was electrifying, sending tingles through his body as she traced her fingertips along the softness of his skin. She teased him, whispering wickedly in his ear, fanning the flames of their passionate connection. Seraphina embraced every inch of his magnificent curves, never once questioning or judging him. For her, his size was an offering, an invitation to explore deeper, uncharted territories of pleasure.

Time seemed to stand still as Seraphina indulged in her desires. She took delight in witnessing Arthur's surrender: his breathy moans, his quivering anticipation, and the undeniable pleasure sparkling in his eyes. Together, they pushed boundaries and defied convention, embracing their unique desires and creating their own sensual dynasties.

With each bite Arthur took, a deeper trust formed between them. Seraphina demonstrated her unwavering care, making sure he indulged without restraint. It was a delicious dance of power, sensuality, and acceptance – a celebration of their authentic selves. As Arthur's body swelled with fulfillment, he found himself completely ensnared in Seraphina's web of desire. The passion between them ignited a fire that burned brightly, illuminating the hidden corners of their intimate desires.

And so, they continued their sensual exploration, their journey of trust and pleasure, breaking barriers and defying expectations. Seraphina and Arthur reveled in their unique connection, a union where dominance and submission melded into a beautiful symphony of love and acceptance. Together, they created a sacred space where their desires could flourish, embracing their individuality without judgment, and allowing the seeds of pleasure to blossom into a sensual garden of liberation.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 4 months , updated 4 months
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FrecherTyp 3 months
very enticing but I think that´s how a couple should live together ....
Tommmy 4 months
Wonderful. Please continue soon.