A skinny guy and a jock start to get fat

chapter 2

Yet another two weeks pass
As Matt stripped for a shower he caught his reflection in the mirror and frowned. That was weird, his stomach was bulging out slightly. He turned to face the mirror head on and saw that he was a bit soft around the middle. He pinched his tummy and managed to grab a small roll of fat. He gave it a shake and saw his stomach jiggle slightly. He stood sideways and noticed that he had a small curve, it bulged out slightly over the band of his too tight boxer briefs. Turning his back to the mirror he looked back to see his back was soft with hardly any visual bones with his waist not tapering in as much. He managed to grab a small pinch of fat around the back of his waist. He turned his front to the mirror again and bounced himself on his heels. His whole torso quivered slightly with the movement that was definitely a new development. He had definitely packed on a few extra pounds. He hopped on the scale and was shocked to see he was 137 pounds, 12 pounds in only three months. It was really showing on his formerly skinny body, there was nowhere to hide any weight. He looked very out of shape and quite soft, though the latter was new. Feeling a little hypersensitive he could feel his stomach slightly jiggle as he moved into the shower, and couldn't help but notice how it felt different to wash himself. As he tied the towel tight around his waist he noticed that he had a small amount of fat sitting on either side, only the slightest little pillows of pudge. He knew he should probably lay of the food but he knew he probably wouldn't, his new lifestyle has sucked him up. No wonder he had needed new clothes. When he threw on his shirt it hid all of the extra pudge at least he though, satisfied with it he put his weight to the back of his mind.
Over the next few week or so Matt had tried to cut back on his eating and try to stop his weight gain, pretty soon though his bad habits came back with a vengeance, he had next to no self-control especially with Ryan around. When the boys were together they tended to eat a lot more, it was easier to internally justify the behaviour and eating when someone else is eating the same as you are. Ryan had really let himself go, he had stopped running and swimming and his diet had completely flipped, and it was starting to show up on him as well. Ryan hadn't really noticed the full scope of his own weight gain and as he came to Matt's room after a shower wearing only short rugby shorts it was clear that he had gained a fair bit. His tanned and toned torso had softened and expanded. His abs were gone unless he really sucked in and his hard pecs had sagged ever so slightly. He had the starts of a belly and was definitely a lot softer around the middle. He still looked relatively fit but with a decent bit of extra flab to go with the muscles.

Matt on the other hand was just getting soft and flabby. His belly was starting to push through his shirts and poke out especially when he sat down. His jeans were no longer loose and fit right on his thicker waist but his stomach was still jutting out over them ever so slightly now. As Ryan sat down next to Matt still shirtless Matt noticed that he had a small pinch of fat rolling over his tight shorts, quite a change for the skinny boy. Matt looked down on his own waist and sighed at the sight of his shirt undeniably bulging out a little around his waist, evidence of his still far more significant weight gain. Matt grabbed the fat around his waist and made a comment on how he had gained a bit of weight. Ryan looked up at Matt to see him holding his tummy and tried to play it down as only a few pounds. Matt took off his shirt revealing his paling pudgy body. His shorts were tight and caused his belly to sit over the band and even formed two small love handles of about a small pinch worth of flab. He vigorously jiggled his tummy with frustration. Ryan was forced to agree and looked down on himself and made the point that he too had gained a not unsubstantial amount of weight and gave his softer stomach a small pat, showing that he had lost all traces of definition. Matt suggesting that Ryan should weigh himself, Ryan hesitantly agreed so threw on a pair of underwear and hopped on the scale in the bathroom.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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AshBear 6 years
Such a shame this isn't finished.