My gaining story volume 2 - after 400

Chapter 3 - weekend in montreal part 1

Over the years my wife and I have enjoyed a very colourful sex life together. We've dabbled in many different scenes and fetishes, enjoying our turn in BDSM culture and being part of the swinger community before settling into our current roles as active feedists. We used to attend swinger's parties and meet-ups as active participants, but haven't been part of the "organized" community for five or six years, although we still have a somewhat open relationship, where we've involved others that are close to us, and that we trust.

It had been over a year since we'd played with any other partners when my wife approached me about a couple she'd been in contact with. Their names were Doug and Annie, they were a little younger than us by 7-8 years, and lived closer to the east coast. She arranged to meet up with them for a weekend in Montreal, sort of half-way between us. I thought it sounded like fun, Montreal is a beautiful city with some completely awesome food!

She'd gotten in contact with this couple through her gym connections - Doug was an exercise nut, like my wife, and had run in a marathon that my wife and her friend Rachel had taken part in. Doug's partner, Annie, was apparently a bit of a chubster who had recently gained some weight, so there were obvious parallels with our own relationship. When Doug heard about how my wife had become my feeder and grown me so much, he became very interested. They weren't aware of the feedist community, but my wife could tell they were curious, especially since Annie had gained some weight and they both appeared to enjoy it.

My wife and I drove into the core of Montreal where she'd booked the hotel. We parked the car there and checked in a few hours before Doug and Annie would arrive and meet us at a nearby restaurant. My wife had errands to run, so while she did that, I sat in a bar and sampled some of the excellent local beer. We reconnected at the restaurant.

I suggested we wait until Doug and Annie arrived, but my feeder wasn't interested in that. She ordered for both of us, as she usually did - and it was clear that she wanted to put on a bit of a show for our new friends, based on the amount of food she ordered. She ordered a simple salad with grilled chicken for herself, but for me she ordered three appetizers and two entrees right off the bat! I tucked in as the food started to arrive, supplementing it with more delicious Montreal beer, while my feeder watched with a playful look in her eye, sipping on red wine. I was just about finished my second dinner serving when Annie appeared, followed by Doug.

As they walked through the restaurant, I could see that Annie was about my height, or perhaps just slightly shorter. She was very pretty, with a fair complexion and shoulder-length, wavy-on-the-verge-of-curly hair, which looked dirty blonde in the dimly lit room. She was definitely plump, but I couldn't really get a sense of how fat she was under her long jacket. Doug followed behind her, towering over her - he was certainly tall. And easy to spot, with his clean-shaven head. He was wide, too, with broad shoulders. They spotted us easily, the giant fat guy with the hot little wife, and joined our table. As Doug helped Annie off with her jacket, I could see how thick she was, sporting generous breasts and a gut that stuck out a little bit beyond her chest. Doug, however, looked like he didn't have any body fat at all. He was classically handsome, with a square jaw covered in a stubble-length, neatly trimmed goatee. And he was built like a bodybuilder, with bulging shoulder, bicep, and chest muscles clearly visible under his tight shirt. His torso tapered down to a tiny waist.

They introduced themselves, apologized for being late (they weren't, we just started eating early), and then they ordered drinks and food from our waitress. My feeder also ordered another meal for me, as well. The evening was off to a wonderful start.

Annie commented that the waitress hadn't removed all the plates yet, which opened up our initial discussion on the feedist lifestyle. Doug had lots of questions, which were mostly answered by my feeder. After finishing my latest plate of food (well in advance of the others), I leaned back and rubbed my bulging stomach. Doug reached out and patted it as well, and made a comment I can't quite recall, but something about seeing how I could "put so much away." We finished our meals, paid the bill, and headed to the hotel room. I led the way, giving both of the newcomers a chance to see my full waddle in action.

The hotel room we would share was pretty simple. There was a small kitchenette attached to the living area, and a bedroom next to that with two queen sized beds. As soon as we entered my wife offered everyone drinks, and we continued our conversation from the restaurant, mostly small talk and getting-to-know-you stuff. The conversation drifted to weight gain, and how Annie's weight had gradually and unintentionally grown to her current size of about 230 pounds. This led to my wife revealing some of the background around my gains. It was clear that our two new friends were not active in the feedism community, or even really all that aware of it, but it was apparent that they were both enjoying Annie's extra flesh. It was also clear that they were very curious about me and my gains.

"Ok, I think it's time that the fatties showed us some skin," my feeder announced to the room, quite unceremoniously.

We all giggled and laughed in response, but as usual, she meant what she said. Annie and I both started to take off our shirts. Usually I wore compression underwear under my clothes, but I'd left it off in anticipation of the evening. When I got my shirt off, my flab was out on display for everyone to see. I could feel my cheeks turning a little pink, at the public show.

"Take off that bra, Annie," my feeder said, "let's see how your lovely titties compare to Jumbo's, over here."

Annie, not embarrassed at all, complied. Her large breasts spilled forward as they were released. My wife approached her, taking her by the hand and pulling her up from her seat so that she was standing.

"May I?" she asked, holding out her hands. Annie nodded, and my wife palmed her bare breasts, squeezing them. "Mmmm, you have really nice tits. How big are they? F-cup?"

"E cup," Annie said. "And thank you."

She led Annie over to where I was seated on the couch.

"Now check out this pair," she said, and she placed one of Annie's hands on my left moob. "We haven't measured in awhile, but I am going to guess they are an H-cup now." Doug was sitting a few feet away from me on the couch, I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. My wife took one of his hands and placed it on my right moob. "Don't be shy," she said, "there's lots to go around." She was grinning slyly at me.

"Wow, they're so soft, and so heavy," Annie remarked.

"Yeah, and they really are like... boobs," Doug added, sounding surprised. He cupped my tit gently at first, then started to squeeze some more. "There's no muscle tone at all." Soon both hands were kneading my moob flesh.

Annie's hand trailed from the moob to my belly, but her attention had wandered back to my wife. "Ok, we've bared our boobs, how about yours?"

My wife just smiled at Annie, and pulled her shirt off in one quick movement. She then removed her bra, letting her beautiful breasts fall free. Annie cooed at that. Then my wife pulled off her cotton pants, revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Wow," Doug said. I was thinking the same thing.

Annie turned from me and approached her, reaching out her hands to touch my wife's torso. "Mmm, you are in such good shape," Annie said, running her hands across my wife's bare skin, stroking her muscled arms and shoulders, palming her D-cup breasts. My wife's eyes closed and her head tilted back as Annie caressed her. Annie leaned in and pressed her lips on my wife's neck, and suddenly my wife was pulling at Annie's pants, wrestling the button open and pulling them down over her meaty thighs.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 3 years
As of 2021 Annie & Doug are still together. Annie lost quite a bit of weight a couple years ago, but the pandemic looks like it has got her back up over 200 lbs again. smiley
Bbman30 4 years
Since Annie lost weight I wonder if Doug found someone else to gain for him or if he started gaining himself, I think it’d be interesting to hear what happened to him if you return to writing this memoir
Giantjay 7 years
Thank you to everyone who read, and especially those who took the time to comment here, or send me a PM - really very much appreciated! I am just going through the story now and doing some final editing (grammar, spelling, etc.). Cheers!
Girlcrisis 7 years
A wonderful read and so well written. Thanks again for sharing.
Girlcrisis 7 years
I usually body swerve the "true life" stories on here but I read this and your previous one and they're both fantastic and so well expressed. I hope you have just as much fun whatever the next phase of your journey brings.
Helloitsme 7 years
I love when you talk about the challenges you have as you grow bigger. I hope you will add more details!
Giantjay 7 years
Thanks for the supportive comments! The comments and PMs mean a lot. A few more chapters left, and yes, it is heading toward 500. smiley
BigFA 7 years
Love your story. Really turned me on. Looking forward to future installments.
Giantjay 7 years
Me too! smiley We are trying to work something out for Canadian Thanksgiving....
Edxl 7 years
Insanely hot (chapters 3-5 most definitely included ... I hope there is a follow up meeting with the other couple!)
Giantjay 7 years
Thanks for the feedback folks, and sorry if Chapters 3-5 got a little too wild for some! Chapter 6 is more traditional feeder fare (haha, as if that were a thing! lol)
Beautybelly 7 years
so hot! smiley
Csmith 7 years
Very sexy