
chapter 2

I looked at the food in disbelief and laughed nervously. Jess smiled sweetly at me and told me that she found my nervousness cute as, still holding my hand, she led me to the table and sat me on a chair. Looking back towards the door, I noticed that two very large men had entered and stood either side of the only exit.

"I have to be chaperoned," said Jess, noticing my frown. "It is to protect my purity until the wedding night." My head snapped round and I looked at her, wide eyed.

"Wedding night?" I stammered.

"Of course." She smiled the sweet smile at me again. "Jim told you he was going to make up for the anger, frustration and disappointment he caused you and I have agreed to be the girl you wanted, but our tribe has some very old fashioned beliefs and tradition and I need to observe them - especially the marriage rituals. So, I am going to cook for you and feed you to make sure you are - what did you say? Kept stuffed all day, every day?

"Errr..." I began. I was not sure how to tell Jess that I had only said that for badness, but I was not able to complete the sentence anyway. As soon as I opened my mouth, she dropped a piece of chicken in. Only when the juices hit my tongue did I realise how hungry I was. I quickly chewed and swallowed and then took another piece. This time, I savoured the flavour a bit longer. The chicken was covered in a thin red sauce, slightly sweet and with a spicy kick.

"You need that with some of this rice," said Jess, piling it onto my plate. "We have fried it in coconut oil with lots of nuts and dried fruit to stop it from being too boring for you." She placed the plate in front of me and I began to greedily shovel it into my mouth. The mix of the fruit and nuts in the rice gave an amazing flavour which enhanced the chicken and I must have looked most disappointed when my plate was empty.

"Hey, don't worry!" said Jess stroking my hair. "There is plenty more - but why not try the pasta first."

I had not noticed, but as I had been eating, Jess had filled another plate. This time, there were chunks of roast lamb coated in tomato and basil, laid on a bed of macaroni and served with a side of chickpeas in a thick creamy sauce. Again, all of the flavours were amazing and mixed perfectly. As I ate, Jess chatted away about how much she liked cooking, but I was not really listening until she mentioned my journey to the village. I stopped eating and looked at her, but she just laughed.

"Let me get you a drink and then Jim can explain," she said, nodding to one of the men at the door, who muttered something and left the hut.

"Keep eating while we wait, baby," said Jess and she began ladling some more of the lamb and pasta onto my plate, but after the first scoop, she stopped and her face changed, looking almost angrily at the food.

"What is this?" She pointed at some lamb on the side of my plate. "Why are you leaving that?"

"It is not really lamb," I replied, nonchalantly. "It's just some fat I have trimmed off the meat."

"This is not good enough!" snapped Jess. "You eat everything - especially the fat." She poked my belly and said, "You need that on here!" Then she picked up a piece of the oily blubber from my plate and dipped it in the chick pea sauce, before slowly and sensuously rubbing it against my lips. I could not help but open my mouth to lick off the greasy cream, and of course, as soon as I did, Jess pushed the piece of fat inside. She slowly dragged her finger down my tongue, allowing me to lick the remaining cream from it, and then picked up the next piece and repeated the process. Once I had swallowed all of the pieces, Jess continued refilling my plate.

I was beginning to feel full by now, so I had slowed down, but the flavours were so tempting that I did not want to stop eating. I knew I could manage a little more. As I continued chewing and swallowing, almost on auto-pilot, the chaperone returned with a large mug. It must have held around two pints of a frothy, strange smelling liquid. I gratefully accepted and took a long swig, again, not realising how dry my mouth was until the drink hit my tongue. It was sickly sweet and had a fiery kick of strong alcohol. I coughed after I swallowed and Jess laughed.

"Good stuff?" The deep voice behind me gave me a start and Jim walked around and took the seat beside me. "It's our tribal brew made from fermented honey."

"It's very sweet," I said, taking another drink.

"It's also very strong!" laughed Jim, and then suddenly his expression became serious. "I am pleased to have you as a guest, but Jess said you would like to know why we brought you here in such a strange way." I nodded; my mouth full of fatty lamb and pasta.

"Well, as you rightly pointed out in your conversations with Jess, a lot of officials in Africa are corrupt. And for us to bring you to our village would have been blocked at every turn." He smiled at me as I took another drink from the mug, gestured to the chaperone for a refill and then continued. "So, I will confess that we drugged you and smuggled you in as livestock." He laughed loudly and announced: "They thought you were a goat!"

I smiled, but it was without humour. I could sort of understand the explanation, but it would have been nice to have some warning! I began to say so, but Jess gently cupped my chin in her hand and turned my head away from Jim. She had refilled my plate with the chicken and rice.

"Don't worry about it, baby," she whispered. "You are here now - with me!"

I looked at the plate and rubbed my stomach. I was beginning to feel uncomfortably full now and did not really want to eat more, but Jess had such a sweet smile, I did not want to disappoint her. I managed a few more spoons of the rice and a couple of pieces of chicken before I pushed the plate away. Jim grunted and left the hut without another word.

"You have insulted his hospitality!" said Jess, angrily. She gently removed my hand from my stomach and sat on my knee with her forehead touching mine. She pushed her thumbs into my sides and began kneading my belly with her fingertips. Although it was painful at first, I gradually felt the pressure begin to ease and a few minutes later, Jess was holding a slice of cake in front of my mouth.

"I honestly can't," I said. "I am full." Jess frowned and felt around my stomach again.
"You really are not," she said flatly. It was a pure statement of fact.

"But I don't want any more."

"That is irrelevant! You want to be know how it feels to be stuffed and am going to grant your wish." As if to emphasise the point, Jess began rocking her body on my knee and I found myself getting aroused. As she continued to rhythmically move her perfect bottom across my lap, she obviously felt the effect.

"You like it, baby?" she breathed at me, but then abruptly stopped, looking across at her chaperone. With an air of disappointment she stood up and lifted the cake to my lips again.

"Remember, I have to keep my virginity until I am married," she whispered. "And we can't have the wedding until you have been stuffed and fattened and lived your fantasy - so I can prove I am a good wife."

I think the alcohol in the fermented honey had removed my inhibition as I immediately tried to tell Jess again that being force fed was not really my fantasy, but as soon as I opened my mouth, the cake was pushed in. I had no option but to bite, chew and swallow, and as soon as I had, Jess was pushing the slice against my mouth again. Surrendering to the moment, I allowed her to feed me another two pieces like this. The cake was not as pleasant as the savoury food; it was very dry and contained lots of nuts and grains. I had to keep drinking the tribal brew to help me swallow it, and as this was so strong, before long I found myself light headed and quite giggly. Jess took full advantage of my inebriated state to massage my belly and get me to eat another two slices with promises of a kiss.

At last, I really could eat no more and I leaned back on the chair. My stomach, stuffed to bursting, jutted out like a ball, and Jess poked all around the dome as if looking for a soft spot. I was dreading her finding one as I was convinced that would mean another slice of the cake to fill the gap. Finally though she seemed satisfied and signalled to the chaperones. They came and helped me from the chair and escorted me to a corner of the hut where a mattress lay on the floor. Slowly, they lowered me down and I laid there; my breathing shallow, trying to find a position that was comfortable. Jess sat beside me and patted my swollen belly.

"Try not to move about to much," she said, "Just relax and let all of that food turn to fat. I hope you enjoyed over-eating as much as you told me you would?" Jess smiled at me, but as I was still having difficulty breathing, I was not able to answer, so she shrugged and continued. "I will be back in a few hours to take some measurements and then I will feed you again." With a final smile and squeeze of my distended stomach, Jess left the building followed by the chaperones. I heard the door close and what sounded like bolts slide across.
"Don't worry about being locked in," shouted Jess through the door. "It's for your own security. You know what these Africans are like!" There was something about the way she said it, but I could not get the alcoholic fuzz out of my mind to concentrate on why the comment bothered me. I soon forgot about it though as Jess continued:

"This first meal was a gentle introduction, just to show you how your life will be from now on. But be warned, once I know your weight and waist size, I will really be able to stuff you!"
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 months
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Just read this again and damn!!
I love this story and the buildup.
2steppinfa 7 years

It's too good to exist without a conclusion!
Built4com4t 7 years
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Wonderful storytelling! You do a great job with balancing an intriguing plot with the eroticism and fear.
Tommmy 7 years
Wonderful. Please continue it soon
Fatlilboy 7 years
Love this
Pepper1985 7 years
when are you adding more
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
You are delivering a wonderful story here. Nice job! Again, I can't wait for more.
Giantjay 7 years
Yes, this is heating up very nicely!
Fatlilboy 7 years
OMG - I have to have more....I'm now addicted to this story!!
Snr6424 7 years
Very intriguing beginning, I would love to see where you take this.
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
I can't wait to see what happens... nice and mysterious.
Growingsofter 7 years
Please... MORE.....PLEASE!
FrecherTyp 7 years
cool ^^that is an interesting start and a nice complex kidnappingnidea ;-)
Garfield 7 years
very good start, like to read more
Built4com4t 7 years
Brilliant first chapter, keep it up