
chapter 12

A month later, Jake had continued to gain weight at an increasing rate. He had whizzed through the 'normal' weight category and he was now clinically obese. He had the starting buds of man boobs forming and a proper little paunch. His thighs rubbed together when he walked and he was constantly bumping into things because he still thought he was skinny, with an extremely fast metabolism. The only exercise he got was walking around the apartment, looking for food, going to the bedroom to sleep, or going to the bathroom to use the toilet or have a shower.
He had developed tiny little silvery stretch marks on the under side of his belly.
Sunshine had gone from being a 'normal' weight to morbidly obese. She too still thought she was slim. What she didn't see was her breasts that rested on her bloated belly, that hung town and covered her private parts. When she sat down her large apron rested on her thighs. She had developed a waddle instead of a walk and used the furniture around the room to steady herself. She too had stretch marks, but hers were across her breasts on the sides of her belly and her thighs.
Elaine had to employ someone to cook and clean for them. Sunshine could not be bothered to do it any more. Out of the two of them, she was the laziest. She would lie around for days in the same clothes until someone told her it was about time she got washed and changed her clothes. She could not be bothered to get off her backside to go looking for food. She got the new cook, or Jake to bring it to her. Discarded plates, containers, packets and bottles were just left on the floor for someone else to pick up. The front of her clothes was covered with food spills. She was a messy eater, but she was just doing what Elaine had told her to do. How much mess she made was not important. What was important was getting as much food inside her as possible, as quickly as possible.
Jake was not quite as messy or lazy as Sunshine, but not by much.
Elaine had started getting their clothes made for them. She didn't have time to trawl the shops looking for anything suitable. The seamstress bought in reams of fabric to make facsimiles of their slimmer clothes, but in larger sizes. Jake's trouser size had gone up from a 28 to a 38. Small to XL. Sunshine had gone from a UK size 12 to an 18. And both of them were still getting bigger!
Their mornings started early, when they were brought breakfast in bed, which was a thick, creamy and sweet weight gain shake. They needed it to give them the energy to get out of bed.
Jake would go in the shower and get dressed before entering the living room. Sunshine would just lumber out of bed, go to the toilet and waddle. Their second breakfast would be waiting for them on the dining room table. Jake was content to sit at the table and eat, but Sunshine would have made herself comfortable on the sofa and insisted someone brought it to her.
The second breakfast started with cereal, double cream, extra sugar, with creamy sweet tea or coffee to drink. Next came a full English breakfast, with two of everything, alongside a stack of pancakes with maple syrup. This was followed by hot buttered toast with plenty of jam or honey, plus assorted muffins and Danish pastries and two litres of Coke.
After all that it was time for a rest and a doze.
Between 10.00 and 11.00, it was time for 'elevenses'. An excuse to eat lots of cake and biscuits with a creamy sweet hot drink.
Lunch was usually a two course affair, that could be a Sunday roast (it didn't matter that it wasn't Sunday) with lots of greasy roast vegetables and gravy, with at least 2 Yorkshire puddings, followed by a proper sweet pudding served with lots of custard. Jam rolypoly, syrup sponge, spotted dick, chocolate sponge or some kind of fruit crumble. This was washed down with copious amounts of sugary Coke.
After that it was time for a snooze before afternoon tea, which was no delicate affair in this house! It started with lots of sandwiches and crisps and was followed by lots of cream cakes, all served with hot sweet, creamy tea or coffee... Plus another weight gain shake and Coke.
Two or three hours later came dinner. Typically this was a three course meal comprising of a starter, main course and a dessert. And more Coke.
Before bed came supper. This meal could be leftovers from earlier in the day or a takeaway meal, with lots of Coke or beer and the last weight gain shake of the day.
They would typically wake up in the middle of the night as well, feeling hungry, so they would have a feast of crisps, pork scratchings, chocolates, biscuits or cake, which had been left by their bedside within reach the night before.
It was a huge amount of food to get through every day. Portions were not small and Sunshine often asked for seconds.
Elaine found Jake much more sexy now than he had been before. He had given her a key because he could not be bothered to answer the door when she came round. She visited him every weekend and massaged him growing belly. He was turned on by her sensual touch and of course, he knew he had never lost his sex appeal! He was as gorgeous as ever. He liked it best when she mounted him. For some reason he didn't have the energy to do all the work involved if he was on top.
He had noticed other things were getting more difficult too. He found it hard to tie his shoe laces and pull his socks on. He thought he must be stiffening up with the lack of exercise. Not for one minute did it dawn on him that it was his growing belly getting in the way!
He couldn't be bothered to make the effort with his shoes and socks any more, so he stopped wearing them altogether. If he was cold he could wear his slippers. They were nice and comfortable.
Elaine started to take Jake out at weekends. He was under strict instructions to obey her every whim. If he did not obey she could always punish him in her dungeon.
She dressed him in what she wanted him to wear. She chose clothes that were just that little bit too small. She liked to see the clothes wrinkled and tight, but not so tight that they wouldn't close or that he couldn't move in. Buttons could gape, but not so much that they were going to pop... Or at least that's what they were like when they left the apartment.
When he looked in the mirror he saw himself still looking trim and gorgeous, but not quite so well groomed. He very rarely shaved these days, but he quite liked that rugged look.
She made him follow her down to her car. Even the walk to the lift and the effort of getting into the car caught his breath. He made excuses for himself, ignored the sweat that formed on his brow with exertions that he would not even blink an eye at before.
Jake had instructions to walk behind Elaine. He was not to deliberately draw attention to himself. She knew she did not have to worry. Not only was he well drilled, but he had gained so much weight that photographers no longer recognised him. Girls were no longer interested in him. Jake simply had to concentrate on keeping up with Elaine as his thighs rubbed together as he waddled and his breathing was laboured, it was no easy task.
They started their days out at a fast food restaurant before noon.
Elaine would go and place the order while Jake was allowed to find a seat. He complained about the restaurant installing faulty furniture because he was finding it increasingly difficult to fit as his gut grew bigger.
Elaine would sit opposite him with their food. She would unwrap it and place it in front of him. He had to resist picking it up until she said he could.
The order was not excessive. A single standard sized burger with standard fries and a standard sized shake. He ate quickly and messily as Elaine sipped at her diet drink. The meal would have filled him up for most of the day when he was slim. Now it was barely a snack.
At soon as he was finished, there was no time to waste. They had to move on to the next venue.
That would often be a Chinese restaurant. She would place an order of a banquet for two, but it was all for him. He would have to eat the whole basket of prawn crackers on the table before the soup arrived and drink a pint of beer.
Another pint of beer had to be downed between each course. The beer was gassy and filling, but as he digested it and became more tipsy, Elaine hoped it would stimulate his appetite.
Jake consumed two portions of crab and sweet corn soup, two starter size meals - spare ribs and prawn toast. Followed by two main courses - sweet and sour pork in crispy batter and sizzling spicy beef, plus two portions of egg fried rice. Followed by two desserts - deed dried banana in batter with syrup and deep fried pineapple in batter with syrup.
It was a huge meal by anybody's standards, but on top of the burger and fries and all the beer he had consumed he was definitely feeling very full! His belly felt huge and tight, but when he looked down, he saw a flat stomach. When he rubbed his round bloated stomach, he felt muscles that had not existed for months.
He struggled to get up out of the chair and huffed and puffed as he struggled to waddle after Elaine as she left the restaurant.
The first week they went out, the day ended there. Elaine took him home to have a long nap so that he could start his regular eating routine a bit later. The next week there was more in store for him.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 years
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Jenemc 5 years
Aquarius, math machine was referring to an ad by the American insurance company state farm where the ad has a guy named Jake
Aquarius64 6 years
I do not know what you mean math machine.
I am not from a state. I live in the UK.
If you think this is a piece taken from another story called ‘state farm’, you are very mistaken. This is all my own work. The bigger story I mention at the beginning is
Math Machine 6 years
From State Farm?
FrecherTyp 6 years
oh interesting i don´t know but i ust have issed your stories it seems ...

very well written and sexy story and such a long developpement ^^ i lke long stories.....if they are good smiley
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Well-written! I like this story a lot!
T Girl 7 years
like the ending ??? the bady dus not all way win
Built4com4t 7 years
Wonderfully detailed, tantalizing first chapter