Life in corporalia

chapter 2

(Again, let me know in the comments if you'd like to hear anyone else's story in particular!)

While Alan set off to work, Christine had a job of her own to do that morning--grocery shopping. Doing this necessitated a drive to the hypermarket about fifteen minutes away. Setting her dirty breakfast bowl in the kitchen sink for later, Christine turned and waddled to the front door, pausing to fix her huge panties.

"Darn things are riding up my crack again," she muttered, as she lumbered out to her own vehicle--a Family Fleet SUV, capable of seating up to nine people and with a carrying capacity of four tons. Marketed specially to parents, the Family Fleet had no problems getting a pair of 300lb tweens in the back, and even came with a built-in milkshake dispenser.

Thus was how Christine found herself sipping on a jumbo-sized milkshake as she enjoyed a leisurely drive through the city. At just past nine in the morning, the streets were really starting to come to life with corpulent citizens going about their business. Many of them rode on personal scooters, or reinforced mobile beds for the truly massive. A great deal were busy stuffing their faces with free, delicious, sugar-fat-and-high-fructose-corn-syrup-loaded food from the food dispensers that stood on every street corner. All of this, she reminded herself, was thanks to the wonderful benevolence of their leaders. Under them, the then-United States had gone from a country where many families didn't have enough food to feed their children, to a place where everyone had all the food they could eat. What a life it was, indeed!

She took a look out the car window as she glided past the city's public park, gazing upon the bountiful Corporalian citizens that occupied it. Many of them were enjoying bottles of Chub-a-Choc, Corporalia's favourite soft drink--a chocolate-flavoured concoction that boasted 600 calories in every bottle, which made it all the better for growing kids. Young adults were relaxing in the morning sun with bellies, butt cracks and love handles on full display, chatting amongst themselves in between taking great big mouthfuls of food and drink. A pair of teenage girls lay in the grass surrounded by jumbo burger boxes, moaning from overfullness. All around was the sight and sound of people eating constantly, only occasionally taking time off to breathe with labour.

Everyone looked so happy and content, with serene smiles on their faces. And why wouldn't they be? They had peace, prosperity, so much food, and a well-equipped robotic police force to keep them safe from threats like those thin activist insurgents. Accompanying the blue police robots patrolling the streets were automated heli-drones flying overhead.

Christine shook her head. The idea of thin activists hiding among them was frightening, and they could be hiding anywhere. Why, just the other month, she had overheard a neighbour's son talking about what it would be like to not weigh as much as he did, and what it would be like to lose weight! She'd reported it, of course, and come the next day, the family had been taken to a correctional facility to be reeducated on the virtues of the Corporalian way of life. Quite right, too. To think that those people were living so close to her and her kids... Christine shuddered to think about it.

Christine's stomach growled, reminding her that it had been half an hour since she'd last eaten. Slurping down the last of her milkshake, she decided to see if there were any nice restaurants around to grab a bite to eat.

It didn't take long to find a place, what with the diners, burger joints and fast food places on every block. Christine settled for a Corporalia Fried Chicken. Even at this early hour, a good line of cars stretched from the drive-thru, and inside were plenty of fatties tucking into five-course breakfasts.

Electing not to use the packed drive-thru, Christine trundled inside. Next to the bins, she saw a big-bellied, barefooted redhead girl of about nineteen busying herself wiping down a table, her red CFC uniform stretched to capacity by her gut, butt, and massive DD-cup breasts. Christine smiled widely as she recognised her.

"Sarah Tennyson!" she said cheerfully. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Oh hello, Mrs. Dawson," Sarah said, smiling and brushing a speck of dust off her uniform. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, it's good to see you," Christine replied. "I haven't seen you in ages! How's your family?"

"Doing good," Sarah replied. "We got our new Waitron about a week ago, and now David hardly even leaves the house. He's gonna be immobile soon if he's not careful."

"Well, good for him! So, have you been working here long?" Christine asked. A shirt button skipped past them, having been popped off by some overstuffed diner.

"About two weeks. I'm working here to build up some spending money so I can go on vacation with my friends. I hear Japan is lovely this time of year." Sarah grinned. "Did you know, there's a resort in Hokkaido where you don't even have to get out of bed? Everything is completely automated! It's no wonder most of Japan is immobile, is it?"

"Indeed it isn't," Christine nodded. "Anyway, it was lovely talking to you, Sarah, but I really need to get some food in my belly."

"Sure thing," Sarah smiled. "See you, Mrs. Dawson."

After placing her order to the wheezing, near-immobile youth behind the counter, Christine squeezed herself into a booth with two mega buckets of chicken and a 128-ounce soda. She ate slowly and with great relish, sighing contentedly as she felt her hunger pangs fade away.

"Now, let's take a look at the *urp* shopping list," she murmured, taking a piece of paper out of her pocket. "Let's see... three boxes of Sugar Slammers, fifteen pints of 200% fat milk, ten gallons of Chub-a-Choc, and fifty pounds of chicken, beef and ice cream. Huh, that's less than usual. Maybe I should get some more chocolate for the kids... don't want them fading away, after all." She smiled.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Maishemura 4 months
Any updates coming?
Blahdah 7 years
Great stuff! Looking forward to seeing more! But write about the stuff you feel important to write about for the story and the world! So if you want to do the re-educational program go for it! smiley
Chubadmirer95 7 years
wayTooThin: The same thing that any totalitarian government desires -- power and control.
WayTooThin 7 years
Now that a big brother aspect has been added to the story, I am wondering why the government has decided to promote a "fat is good, fatter is better" philosophy throughout all levels of society? What does the government get from a very fat, docile people?
Hurgon 7 years
Page 3 is great. Love the contrasting atmosphere or hedonism cloaking suspicion.
Chubadmirer95 7 years
I thought you weren't allowed to portray minors in stories here, though?
Coop 7 years
Story shows promise

I think you should do a section where someone tries to put a stop to corporalia in general. The person isn't exactly a thin activist, but rather, is against the idea of forcing ones ideals onto other people, and rather let people c
Hurgon 7 years
Absolutely love it. So much great detail and depth to the world. It's like Brave New World meets Wall-E. smiley
Yindy 7 years
Would love to see how they do re-education here
Chubadmirer95 7 years
It's the same sort of cyberpunk setting as Fallout, yeah. smiley
Chubchick1 7 years
Love this! So well written!
any of it based on Fallout perhaps?
WayTooThin 7 years
This is a great start. I could see this as the opening scene of a film