Now you're a fatty too

chapter 4

Scott weathered their friends' good-natured ribbing as his waistline continued to expand. The women were incorrigible, jokingly mourning the loss of his "hot bod" even as they practically force fed him whenever they all hung out.

To Candace, it seemed almost like no time at all before he was just another fat guy in the group. His bulging paunch now rivaled Aaron's or Rick's and his appetite was nearly unmatched.

~Mission complete~ Candace thought to herself one day as Scott got out of the shower.

Any hint of an athlete was now buried under many pounds of fat. They finally matched again, just two more fat people.

"Almost packed?" Scott asked.

"Yup," Candace replied, grabbing her toothbrush from the holder.

They had a two week vacation planned - a short cruise in the Caribbean and then about nine days in Florida. The only real item on the agenda was to enjoy some good food and each other.

And enjoy they did.

On their third day of vacation, Candace looked over at Scott as he laid there asleep, recovering from their intense romp in bed. His domed gut rose and fell with his steady breathing, a monument to his gluttony during their vacation.

Candace smiled to herself, she hardly had to encourage him at all anymore. He constantly went back for seconds and thirds now, not stopping until he was thoroughly bloated. His chest and arms were covered by flab as well and there was even a tiny bit of a double chin starting to appear.

Well babe, you've turned into quite a fatty, Candace thought. Actually, I think it's time to get you back on the treadmill. Might be time to have you lose a few.

She tried not to think about the way her own pants were starting to pinch again, vacation had not been kind to her waistline either. At least now they didn't look weird in their pictures together.


Candace fought back a grin as she went down to the basement. She could hear a steady heavy thudding and ragged gasping for breath. After their vacation, she had made a few teasing remarks designed to get Scott back into a workout routine.

"Whew, I might need these pants let out," Scott grunted one day as he was getting ready for work.

"Or you could lose a few," Candace smirked, poking his substantial paunch.

"I know," he sighed. "I can't believe I've porked out so much. I'll dust off the treadmill downstairs and get back into shape for you."

"Oh babe, I love the way you look," she reassured him. "I just want to make sure you're healthy, that's all."

"You're right. I really need to get back to working out."

"We both do," Candace agreed, patting her own bulging belly.

"So you don't miss my hot body?" Scott asked.

"Well, maybe a little," she giggled.

Scott feigned offense. "You little stinker!"

Candace's giggling turned into loud laughter as he started to tickle her. They collapsed into bed together and both ended up being a little late for work.
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GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Damn! I wish I could write like you! You are so consistently excellent! Well-done here!
Fatforfun 7 years
Well done!
Her Revenge 7 years
This is the best story I've read in ages. Great work!
Snr6424 7 years
Thanks everyone, really appreciate your comments. smiley
Td0057 7 years
Sorry, thought Scott was Jeff.
Bigboy1 7 years
Good story. I thought it was fairly realistic and unlike most stories, quite well written. Fine job.
Td0057 7 years
Read the description and knew it was going to be good: and it was! Like the friends with the conflicting desires: loving the fact that Jeff is getting fat due to their encouragement, and mourning the loss of the fit body that also had an attraction for th
Hurgon 7 years
So good, as always. Girls certainly hate looking bigger than their guys which made for a realistic premise. The image of the treadmill scene is awesome with that solid mass of belly contrasting with wildly jiggling moobs. Love that he prob became fattest
GhostPepper 7 years
This was such an enjoyable read - excellent work! I always look forward to reading your stories.