Unexpectedly expecting

Chapter 4 - friday morning: a feast for two (updated)

She rubbed her midriff through the soft polyester top, imagining the parasite growing inside her. Judging by the bulge, it must be the size of a softball already. So odd, to think of this unborn child as "her" baby. She never imagined she'd ever be a mom, maybe it wasn't so bad. At least she had an excuse to be fat now. Hey, she could eat anything she wanted and not care anymore! Other preggo moms always said they were "eating for two"...right?

She was soooo hungry! She tried to get some pairs of socks out of her dresser, but they wouldn't fit. Not even the stretchy ones. Her feet and legs seemed swollen. Ugh. She couldn't wear shoes like this.

Closing the closet door and leaving everything else the way she found it, she softly walked barefoot down the stairs, holding on to the railing with one hand and supporting her aching abdomen with the other.

She made her way softly down the carpeted stairs, one step at a time, noticing how her enlarged belly seemed to jiggle a bit with each step she took, until her small feet with her salmon-painted toenails were on the hardwood floor of the entryway. Turning right, she walked softly across the shaggy carpet through the living room.

Entering the kitchen, she went straight to the fridge and opened up the freezer. There was a big tub of chocolate fudge ice cream sitting right next to a bag of frozen strawberries. Just what she didn't realize she was craving. She grabbed both, and opened the fridge door beneath.

Hmm, what should she drink? There was a gallon jug of milk, mostly full. She liked skim, but for whatever reason Mom had bought 100% Whole. Oh well. She needed the protein. Why worry about getting fat if she was already fat?

She grabbed that, and her arms were now full, so she bumped the door with her butt and it closed. Depositing the ice cream and frozen fruit on the counter, she looked at the 'Calories From Fat' on the label. 12 grams of fat per serving, 6 servings per carton. "Ugh. This is gonna make me feel like a cow. I can't believe I'm doing this." Seemingly in response to her thought, her stomach growled loudly again, and she rubbed it absently. She felt like she was gonna die if she didn't scarf this ice cream down!

She poked a hole in the frozen fruit bag and took out a strawberry. She took a bite out of it, and the sweet pink juices made her mouth fill up with saliva. She popped the whole thing in her mouth and it was gone as she broke the seal on the ice cream tub and peeled the lid off.

Absentmindedly, she stuck a finger in it and licked it off. Ohhhh... that was heaven. She almost came in her Mom's panties just tasting it. For a girl, fewer things are more sinful and indulgent than chocolate.

She got an idea. "Hey, I'll make a milkshake!"

She pulled the blender towards her, took the lid off and poured about half the gallon of milk into the blender container, then plopped about 6 or 7 strawberries into it and replaced the lid. She set the blender to 'Smoothie' and held the lid down as she turned it on. The blender made that horrible noise blenders make. About 25 seconds later, she had a pinkish mush. She got out a tall glass from the cabinets and poured as much as she could into it, then took a scoop of chocolate ice cream and plopped it in. Wow, she was really spoiling herself.

Then she took out a spoon and stirred it, and raised it to her lips. In no time at all, the ice cream float was gone. That would have made her throw up if she ever tried that before... how could she still be hungry?

Her filled stomach emitted a loud sound like a dog whimpering: "Uuurrrrhhh...." Yikes. She could really feel that one. "Oh my gosh!" She giggled. "I guess I gotta have the ice cream too..."

Instead of getting a bowl, she picked up the spoon and dug in. She shoveled it spoonful by spoonful into her mouth, and before she knew it a quarter of the tub was gone! But it was just so yummy, she couldn't stop!

The next thing she knew, she was setting the tub down empty on the counter. Her belly somehow appeared bigger. She noticed it was pushing her away from the counter. She rubbed it with both hands, pushing them up her Mommy's blouse so she could feel her warm hands on her belly. It was cold to the touch. Her thick thighs were rubbing together, she started to moan softly again. "No wonder I see moms rubbing their bellies all the time. It feels so good..." She picked up the milk jug, and gulped down the rest of the cow juice. This made her belly grumble contentedly; now the aching emptiness was gone. She patted her belly, now stuffed and full, and let out a contented burp that she made no attempt to stifle. She was such a little piggy.

She looked at her watch: it was a little after 10:30 in the morning. She began to feel lazy, almost like taking a nap already! "Gosh, it's so hard to feel like this!" There was always that lethargic feeling and that extra weight she carried, and her appetite seemed insatiable.

And she had to pee. Again.

After running to the bathroom to empty her small bladder again, she plopped her fat butt down in the white padded leather sofa and reached for the TV remote. She turned it on and flipped through the channels. Nothing on, just the usual crap. She decided to turn to a music channel and stretch out and try to take a nap, her achingly full belly now purring contentedly as it tried to digest her fatty indulgence of ice cream. Was it her imagination, or did she feel something move inside her? Was that normal to feel it this early? Her tummy was making a lot of noise and it felt alive.

She tried to take a deep breath, but she was so full it made her ab muscles ache. She turned lazily on to her side and rested her cheek on her arm, and dozed off.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 1 year
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BellyLuvr84 5 years
Finally got unstuck! And it turns out that the fitting room girl at the lingerie store was a lesbian with a thing for MILFs! Seeing where it goes now...we know at some point she has to go into labor, so what's gonna happen?
Womansbellyl... 7 years
Would definitely appreciate an ending to the story!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
It would be nice to wrap up the story one way or another!
Bellylovinboy 7 years
That was an amazing story! Love the detail you put into her growing belly smiley
Womansbellyl... 7 years
By all means have her leave her house again, THIS time feeling and dressing as if she is totally in love with her new-found expanding body. I also notice a bit of age progression in the story. Keep it up, it's VERY erotic!!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
I think ultimately you have to let her really ENJOY her growing body, letting her become more and more aware of every inch of her expanded self, realizing just how sensual being that size can be!!
Darkwarrior 8 years
She needs to binge like crazy, maybe like curseddeath said order a pizza or 10 and have a previously unsuspected feeder/preg-loving friend help her really push her limits.
Wadegain 8 years
After ordering a pizza, You should have one of her friends bring it to her and see that's she's pregnant. Her friend should freak out and after her shift go back to jessica's house and help her deal with the problem.
BellyLuvr84 8 years
What should she do next with her pregnant self? Go out again? Stay in? Keep binge eating? She's got one more day left to herself before her parents get home. Help me out guys!
Coastie15 9 years
Fantastic more please
BellyLuvr84 10 years
I'm toying with the idea of her trying to go out in public or maybe a friend making an unannounced visit to check on her and see if she's alright. Would that ruin the story?
BellyLuvr84 10 years
check out the other story I wrote called "Kelly's Big Secret" Last I looked it was up to 20,481 views!
Escape60 10 years
A great story so far, I'd certainly be interested in seeing more. Great work!
Built4com4t 10 years
a wonderful, sensual fantasy...well written! thank you