Unexpectedly expecting

Chapter 5 - friday: noon, after a nap - (updated)

She had not dreamed about anything.

She opened her eyes, and lazily yawned and stretched like a cat as she wondered what to do with herself for the rest of the day, or the weekend for that matter. She held up her wrist and took a peek at her watch. The time said 12:15. Lunchtime already. She sighed again and brushed the messy hair from her face.

Her loose ponytail had come undone and somehow the maternity top had been bunched up around her sensitive breasts. They were so sore and felt swollen, they hurt to the touch. Was it normal to have milk this early?? She groaned. Her engorged boobs felt like water balloons about to burst. This must be what it feels like to be a cow and have to be milked. Just experimentally, she slipped a hand through her collar and touched one of her enlarged bright red nipples. "owww..." Those poor cows. What to do? Maybe she'd have to milk herself! "I wonder if Mom still has a pump packed away somewhere..." She might have to go dig it out.

She softly fingered the area around the red part. Then she tried squeezing around it, careful not to touch the inflamed area. She didn't know what else she was expecting, but was still startled when a cloudy liquid began to ooze out and dribble down her boob. "Oh, this is weird..." There was liquid coming out of her chest udders. She squeezed her boob a little harder, and a thin jet of white milk came out like a toy squirt gun!

She brought both hands up and cupped her boobs, and gave them both a squirt. She'd better watch out, or she would make a mess. Hmm what to do...maybe she could just drain it into the milk jug and put it in the fridge until she figured out what to do with it.

What a cruel prank to play on her family...putting her breast milk into the milk jug. She giggled at the thought of such a bizarre idea. Laughing made her belly shake and stick out even further.
Gosh, her waistband felt tight. She had to get up and go do something about her milk problem. And, she had to pee again, not surprisingly.

She struggled to get up off the cushy white leather couch. Her bulging middle felt so heavy, it was weighing her down. She felt like she gained weight in her sleep. Probably that stupid ice cream. Anything she ate like that seemed to just go straight to fat on her.

She slowly stood up, then she looked down at herself, and shrieked.


Her tummy had gotten even bigger! She now looked really, actually pregnant. The folds and billows of her Mom's old underwear were gone; it was tighter, and the elastic was constricting when she breathed. Her thighs were even flabbier than before. Her boobs had grown another cup size!! WTF? Yesterday, she was a slim petite girl, barely a hundred twenty pounds, with a flat tummy. And now she doesn't even think her Mom was ever this big! A tear rolled down her red cheeks. How was she ever going to get back into shape? Her figure was ruined!!

She fell to her knees in despair, and wrapped her arms around her bulging belly as she began to sniffle. This was a nightmare. What would she do if her Mom came home and saw her like this? What dumb excuse could she make up? Nothing would work. It was hopeless. She was now far enough along that nothing would hide it now.

She was not a happy camper. Her stomach hurt, her back, neck and shoulders ached, her boobs hurt, her feet were swollen and she felt like a cow. And she was still hungry! How was that even possible? She had eaten half a gallon of ice cream just an hour ago!! Where did she even fit that inside her belly??

As if it read her mind, a loud gurgle came from her massive stomach. "Shut up!" She shrieked at it. She wanted to slap her belly, but then thought she probably would hurt the baby. She was powerless, there was nothing she could do. Her unwilling body was a slave to this parasite growing inside her. She didn't even know who the father was!! Her parents would kill her. She cried to herself, rubbing her tummy absentmindedly because it seemed to be calming her down.

Maybe a bath would help her relax. Or she could take a dip in the pool, it was warm today. There was a privacy fence around their above ground pool in the back yard. Who would know? But she couldn't bring herself to go outside and swim naked or in Mom's underwear. She had to find a swimsuit that fit her. Mom no doubt still had a maternity bathing dress, if she kept all the other fat clothes. She had to go upstairs and dig around in the closet again. But first to empty her shrunken bladder.

Walking her fat, jiggly bloated self out to the kitchen again, she reached into the recycling bin and pulled out the gallon milk jug. Opening up the drawers beneath the counter top, she found a plastic funnel. She pulled up the top and bra over her large chest udders, which hung down visibly off her and were no longer perky. "Ugh, this is kinda gross....I can't believe I'm doing this...." She a leaned over the funnel and started to squeeze her heavy milk engorged boobs into it, alternating back and forth. She was milking herself! Her jets of white fluid squirted into the milk jug and slowly began to fill it. It was not as easy as she'd hoped. She had to pinch her large nipples with two fingers and pull on them while pressing each boob to her chest to make it squirt out. This would take a long time, but it made her hurt less with each squeeze. She noticed the right was already smaller and felt lighter than the left.

The more she milked herself, the better her boobs felt and they hurt less and less. She now understood. Those poor cows she passed by on the road, with their heavy bulging udders. No wonder they mooed so much. The poor things were in pain.

Hey...squeezing her own tits actually started to feel kinda good. She drew in breath through her teeth and sighed softly. Her crotch was starting to feel warm and wet again. She began to moan quietly, as she took one hand away and started massaging her swollen belly. That took her mind off the absurd thing she was doing.

After about fifteen minutes, her milk sacks had shrunk back to their size they were this morning and she no longer felt like she had water balloons dangling off her chest. The milk jug was about a quarter full. Curious, she tasted a bit. It was very sweet, and she bet it was much healthier than cow milk. After all, cow milk was meant for baby cows, not baby humans. It likely contained twice the amount of protein. She said, "ah, what the heck" she held it up to her lips and chugged about a pint of it. She never imagined it would taste so good. She then put the jug down on the counter, and belched rather loudly. "Oops... 'Scuse me" her tummy rumbled and made that weird whimpering sound again. That must be the liquid emptying into her stomach.

Pickles. She had to have pickles. Kosher Dill pickles, right now.

She waddled over to the fridge (...waddled? Gawd!) and opened the door and bent over, her big butt swaying back and forth. Ah, thank gawd. There were Kosher Dills. She unscrewed the jar and pulled out the biggest, fattest one, and began munching on it, rubbing her tummy thoughtfully as she noticed the bird on the label was a stork. Weird. Well, that hit the spot. She washed the pickle down with a glass of water.

Then another glass, and another. Then half the pitcher. Her belly emitted a bubbly, gurgly sound and she burped loudly again. Ugh, now she had to pee. Again.

Still in her Mom's preggy underwear, she waddled out of the kitchen and down the hall to the downstairs bathroom. Her sides ached, and her bladder felt like a water balloon about to burst.

There was a dull pain in her lower belly area just above her pelvis. Her belly sloshed and gurgled with each step, as she entered the bathroom and lifted up the toilet lid. She plopped her bloated body down on the seat and spread her thick thighs. She sighed with relief, and the pee poured out of her like water out of a garden hose. She had to pee like a race horse.

When she was done her big belly was no smaller, but it didn't hurt as much. It was so hard to get used to this fleshy balloon sticking out in front of her; it got in the way of just about everything she did. When she patted it, it sounded hollow. She rubbed it a little and fingered her belly button that stuck out like a thumb. She looked down at her own tummy, and it was touching her thighs while sitting, something she had never felt before. She wiped herself, then slowly got up off the seat. Her pee smelled odd, must be all those hormones her body was putting out like crazy. She flushed the toilet and walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but the maternity bra. Time for a wardrobe change.

Climbing the stairs was harder this time. She held on to the banister with one hand and her full stomach with the other. By the time she got to the top, she felt ready to faint. It was back into her Mom's wardrobe again for something to hide her fatness.
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BellyLuvr84 5 years
Finally got unstuck! And it turns out that the fitting room girl at the lingerie store was a lesbian with a thing for MILFs! Seeing where it goes now...we know at some point she has to go into labor, so what's gonna happen?
Womansbellyl... 7 years
Would definitely appreciate an ending to the story!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
It would be nice to wrap up the story one way or another!
Bellylovinboy 7 years
That was an amazing story! Love the detail you put into her growing belly smiley
Womansbellyl... 7 years
By all means have her leave her house again, THIS time feeling and dressing as if she is totally in love with her new-found expanding body. I also notice a bit of age progression in the story. Keep it up, it's VERY erotic!!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
I think ultimately you have to let her really ENJOY her growing body, letting her become more and more aware of every inch of her expanded self, realizing just how sensual being that size can be!!
Darkwarrior 8 years
She needs to binge like crazy, maybe like curseddeath said order a pizza or 10 and have a previously unsuspected feeder/preg-loving friend help her really push her limits.
Wadegain 8 years
After ordering a pizza, You should have one of her friends bring it to her and see that's she's pregnant. Her friend should freak out and after her shift go back to jessica's house and help her deal with the problem.
BellyLuvr84 8 years
What should she do next with her pregnant self? Go out again? Stay in? Keep binge eating? She's got one more day left to herself before her parents get home. Help me out guys!
Coastie15 9 years
Fantastic more please
BellyLuvr84 10 years
I'm toying with the idea of her trying to go out in public or maybe a friend making an unannounced visit to check on her and see if she's alright. Would that ruin the story?
BellyLuvr84 10 years
check out the other story I wrote called "Kelly's Big Secret" Last I looked it was up to 20,481 views!
Escape60 10 years
A great story so far, I'd certainly be interested in seeing more. Great work!
Built4com4t 10 years
a wonderful, sensual fantasy...well written! thank you