Massive gut

Chapter 5 - june 20, 2015

"What happened to the end of the month?" Armando asked.

"Luck was on our side this time," Mars said.

"Why couldn't Achin make it?"

"He's working with Connor on something pretty important."

"Another experiment?"

"If that's what you're deciding to call it, yea."


"Where are we going? We've been walking too long."

"Almost there..."

"Ugh, too much physical activity," Armando joked. But in all honesty, Armando was not having the best day. Panting. Sweating. Deep Breathing. Sticky.

"Here we are. The gym!"

"The fuck..."

"C'mon, Armando. There's something you need to see."

"I'm not lifting or running, dude. If you're tryna hint at something you'll only make me want to get fatter."

Mars took Armando to the end of the gym. He opened the door. A wide dusty, dirty hallway. What the fuck is this place, Armando thought. They delved deeper in the gym. The finally walked found an archway leading to yet another dusty room. There was someone in here this time, a tall, built student. Probably a year older, a junior. He was tweaking some kind of mattress. Looks comfortable.

"We're here on time, Damian," Mars said.

"Oh! I didn't see you there. Welcome, welcome," he said shaking Mars's hand. He headed over to Armando. "And you must be Armando," he said. He shook his hand, then proceeded to his belly. I'm sure you're wondering why you're here.

"Uh, kinda..."

"Well, your friend here cares deeply for you, let me say that much. He organized this all."

"And what's... this...?"

Damian brought out barrels of weight gain formula from the corner of the room. "We're gonna fatten you up! Have a seat on the mattress, when you're ready,

Armando seemed very giddy. He hopped onto the mattress and lay down. With the click of a button, the mattress which originally lay flat in the air with a metal cylinder for support tilted to 55 degrees, where he barely stood up. He stuffed a tube in Armando's mouth and started to fill the barrels of lard into a sort of machine. He flipped a switch, and the machine started to spurt out weight gain formula in his mouth. Perfect. Delicious. Sweet. Magnificent. Lard. Washed down his throat. Satisfying. His belly swelling. Grumbling. Cock swelling. Bulging. Eyes Widening. Worth. Every. Second. If anyone could live like this, why the fuck would anyone want to be slim.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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