Massive gut

Chapter 7 - july 15, 2015

"I've never seen so much fatties in one area," Armando said. He was at the Main Street Feast, the annual festival for fatties to come on in and to just consume all the food they can. Everyone was fat, even the police officers. It was fantastic. He headed over to one of the activities, Food and Potions: Magical Delight. There he saw an slim magician holding up bottles of potions and bags of food. He certainly stood out, for he was the only visible slim guy in sight. Probably why people drift away from him. Best stay away if others are. Next: Techno-Armageddon: Your new overlords. He prefers eating by himself. No one stuffing him. He again steered clear from there.

It's been an hour. Armando has already consumed most of the food the small stands had to offer. He really didn't have much else to do here. Bummer, it wasn't as exciting as he thought it would be. No point in staying or even coming back. Then he remembered what the professor told him a few weeks ago. Hypnotizing Feast.


Armando let out a huge belch.

"F-U-C-K-I-N-G H-E-L-L. THAT HIT THE SPOT!" Armando moaned. "Sorry for the language, professor."

The two conversed for a while and, of course, Armando continued to stuff himself silly without paying attention to anything other than food. He was done soon after, and faced his professor with his meaty arm resting atop his belly. His moobs pushed his arm coler and closer off the edge of his belly, but his flabby layers always acted as a secondary and even a tertiary resting point.

"I gotta say, professor, you're one of the coolest guys I've ever met."

"Huh, really?"

"Yea, dude! Who else would let me eat all this food!"

"And for free on top of that," he chuckled.

"Dude, you're really cool."

"If you like the food so much, I can always make more."

"Nah, man. I think I went past my limit today."

"Nonsense. I won't take no for an answer. There's another round of food coming before your main course."

Armando raised his eyebrow.

Aldo smirked. He stroked some of Armando's protruding fat which failed to be concealed by his small, tight shirt. Armando seemed to like where things were going as he had not announced any objections. In fact, it appeared to be the opposite.

"If you be a good boy, there'll be a few more rounds until the main course."

He laughed. "Tell me, what do I have to do to be a good boy?"

"What do you think?"

"Uh, I dunno. Probably something along the lines of this?" He grabbed Aldo's arm and yanked him closer. Aldo's and Armando's stomachs slammed together. Armando brought Aldo's lips closer to his. The two vessels couldn't separate at this point. There was no going back. None had any objections. Then, the two thought, why stop there? Aldo slid his hand underneath Armando's pants and grabbed the boy's cock. Armando unzipped Aldo's pants. The two began to undress each other. Armando would receive much more than numerous rounds of meals; he'd also be experiencing the best experience of his lifetime so far.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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