The fall of madame bigger

Chapter 4 - part iii

We made quite an entrance. The double doors burst open the way the seams of our clothes later would. A few of us were allowed to walk in, I guess as a kindness since our walking days were obviously nearing an end, but some of the others had to be pushed in on the heavy duty wheelchairs..

The waitresses ushered us to different tables. Corrine guided me to a table by a fit couple that looked to be about my age. They were already watching us from our grand entrance before. I was pushed into my chair, which gave a yelp of protest when my body slammed into it.

"Wait here," Corrine instructed before disappearing into the crowd.

I looked around, searching for the others. Ryan was hunched over his plate, tearing through a fried chicken breast. An entire pizza was being placed next to Naomi as she nervously rubbed her belly. Bev was being fed by a waitress, her eyes on the spoon as it scooped up more gravy-and-butter-drenched mashed potatoes.

Why were they doing this? Why wouldn't they give us relief so we have enough room to accept all of their offerings? I wriggled in my seat, trying to loosen the cork inside me. The ghost of past meals roared angrily within me, gaining in strength.

Then came The Madame. Her every step deliberate, her smile piercing, her eyes locked.

I tried to give her the stare of hatred I had developed over my time as her pig, but could only look at her pleadingly. I wanted her to reach under me and just pluck it out. Just let me exhale.

But she didn't. She was flanked by two waitresses, each balancing trays of delectable dishes. Sandwiches, pastas, chicken, rice. They were all placed before me on the table as I watched in horror.

The Madame leaned closer and whispered in my ear: "Eat up."

I whimpered back: "I can't."

The Madame clicked her tongue in disappointment. "I guess you need to make room, huh? Let go of all that growing, intense pressure just building within. But don't you realize what will happen if you do?"

She took a step back and spread her arms. "Everyone in this establishment will become fatter than you."

I moaned. Her plan, and my role in it, finally revealed.

"One whiff, that's all it takes. And with so much food around..." she began to mimic herself inflating, puffing out her cheeks and using her arms to pretend to swell. "I'd be surprised if any of them will be able to walk out of here. No, these walls will definitely have to be knocked out. All because of your fat ass."

I gulped as she placed her fists on the table, knuckles down, and leaned closer to my face.

"Trisha?" she asked without breaking our gaze.

"Yes, Madame?" a waitress answered.

"Take it out."

"No, please-" I began to protest just as I felt a bubbling surge rise within me.

"But you're not eating! You obviously need to make a little more room in that glorious belly of yours," The Madame said, feigning concern.

In an effort to change her mind, I grabbed a burger and took the biggest bite I could. With my mouth full, my pleas were muffled.

Trisha walked behind me. While the Madame and I kept our eyes on each other, one in dominance, one in despair, I felt Trisha kneel behind me. I next felt cool metal kiss my ass cheeks and continue to slide upward. The device twisted and tugged at the plug in my ass. It started to be pulled downward and with a POP, it was out.

I held on. I tightened what muscles I had left and clenched my butt. It felt like a million little marbles tumbling through my middle, toward my rear. They gathered at the exit, piling on top of each other, adding weight and pushing against the exit. The pressure rose like a spreading warmth and began to impose on my lungs, shortening my breath.

My forehead was sweating, my lip trembling.

"It's okay to give in. Soon, they'll all be just like you."

And with that, I closed my eyes and let go.

The force of wind that exploded from my butt was like nothing I had ever felt. My ass roared, a protracted groan of relief. I slowly leaned forward as it flowed out of me, squeezing every last bit I could into the atmosphere. The relief I felt was borderline orgasmic, as the storm in my belly was replaced with butterflies.

I heard silverware clatter against dishes; the nearby customers losing their appetites. No worries. They'd get them back soon enough.

I began to realize I was hearing distant farts from all corners of the restaurant. Ryan had a smug, tired smile on his face. Naomi had paused her chewing to release some pent up gas. Bev leaned slightly, a doughnut was brought to her lips as more gas escaped her.

The entire place had erupted in angry groans, from both annoyed customers and from fat asses too long denied relief. Despite the vast array of foods, everything smelled of artisanal cheeses and produce.

I farted again, the couple behind me gasping in shock. "Are you serious?" the lady asked rhetorically. I heard the man take up his silverware and resume eating. "How can you eat when we're sitting in this hog's atmosphere?" the girlfriend began, but in mid-sentence, started to eat as well. "This is so good," she said, her words muffled by food.

I sighed, finally hungry again, and took another large bite from my burger. I had become so accustomed to being full and stuffed, I had nearly forgotten the sensation of an empty stomach. I felt incomplete; hollow. I needed to eat; to fill my belly with nourishment. I needed to make myself whole again.

"Good girl," The Madame said, grinning. She turned away from me and surveyed the restaurant. I looked around as well.

All the diners in the restaurant appeared as though they left the house wearing clothes two sizes too small. Buttons were popping, seams were splitting, mouths were chewing. Patrons were looming over their tables, minimizing the distance between plates and mouths. The dominant sounds were clothes ripping, chairs creaking, groans, moans, slurps, squishes, and bursts of gas from swelling behinds.

The only slender people left in the establishment were the Madame and her waitresses. Everyone else was ballooning by the minute. There was a loud crack, followed by a ground-trembling thud. The dishes rattled from the impact and a round of gasps revealed where it happened. My gaze tracked the commotion to see a young, enormous woman writhing on the ground. Surely, upon entering, I would have noticed someone of that size. She must have been much smaller mere moments ago.

"My crowning achievement," The Madame reflected, looking upon all of her subjects, both veterans and newbies alike. "And this is only the beginning."
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, BaldPig! That means a lot!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Wow, that is quite a bold claim! Thanks, fatrnfatr! I appreciate the praise!
Fatrnfatr 6 years
A classic of the genre. Taken together, the trilogy is possibly the best WG fiction ever written.
Th3f4t5ide 7 years
Thanks, Sokotron!
Th3f4t5ide 7 years
Thank you, girlcrisis! That means a lot coming from you. Big fan!
Girlcrisis 7 years
Fantastically well written. An absolute delight to read.
Sokotron 7 years
Thanks for writing! I love Madame Bigger!! Would love to be one of her pets too!!