The fall of madame bigger

Chapter 5 - part iv

I returned my gaze back to my current situation in time to see two waitresses approach Kate from behind. They each grabbed an arm and held her firm.

"What is this? Let go!" The Madame ordered. The waitresses didn't comply.

I continued to eat while watching these events unfold. Dinner and a show.

"You've done it, Madame," one of the waitresses said, calmly and almost monotone.

"Look upon your works," the other waitress said as they brought her to me. I was halfway through my second burger, forearms resting on my breasts, taking more bites before I swallowed the ones before. "Poor Ophelia."

"She was so thin before you entered her life. A promising career as a private investigator. A body most women would kill to have. And look what you've turned her into," the first waitress continued.

I ate, squeezing the last bite of my second burger into my already full mouth. My jaws barely had room to maneuver. But through slow, deliberate chews, I was able to swallow what must have been the equivalent of a whole burger. Another fart rumbled from beneath me, sounding more like a yawn than a roar. My belly was no longer was content.

"Claire. Yvonne. Unhand me now and I'll let you keep your mobility. You each will look so lovely at 500 pounds," The Madame tried to bargain.

"You ruined our brother's life," Claire said. "He was a personal trainer. His entire career revolved around his flawless physique."

"He told us about the girl he had been seeing. An exquisite chef with an appreciation for fuller forms," Yvonne explained. "He told us he was nervous about staying in shape. But he was falling for her. We thought he was joking when he said he was worried for his body. And then...nothing."

"For six months," Claire picked up the story. "We couldn't find him for six months. So we got in touch with Ophelia here." They all looked at me. I had been watching them, but I felt the heat in my cheeks and diverted my gaze as I bit into a heaping mound of mac & cheese. "She helped us track him down."

It suddenly clicked. I now remembered Claire and Yvonne. Yvonne had been the one to come to my office and present me the case. Another file for the pile, I thought at the time. Another one of The Madame's piglets. I had warned her that even if we found their brother, it was very unlikely he would look as they remembered him. I explained his potential fate to Yvonne and I could see the anger ignite behind her eyes. But she held it together and left my office cordially. I never saw her again but the last time we spoke was over the phone when I told her the address of their brother's whereabouts.

"And when we found him at some random apartment," Yvonne continued, "He couldn't leave the bed. Our athletic little brother, too fat to stand. Too fat to even squeeze through the bedroom's doorway."

"And so incredibly gassy. He lives with our mom now. She, herself, has gained over a hundred pounds, just being around him and having access to the amount of food he requires."

"The doctors tell us his metabolism is shot and he'll never lose weight again. His only hope is to remain active enough that he doesn't gain any."

"Which we all know is impossible, though no one will admit it," Claire said, solemnly.

The Madame struggled to free herself from her former servants' grasp. "You should thank me! I set your brother free! No longer is he a victim of society's views of how a man should look! He's free to be as beautiful as he wants to be!"

"You mean as you want him to be!" Claire accused. "You molded him to your liking and took away his choice in the matter. He loves you. You knew he'd do anything for you. So you convinced him to grow."

"And grow. And grow. And grow," Yvonne emphasized.

"All these years, you've been playing with fire, Madame," Claire told her, barely whispering. "And you know what happens when you play with fire, don't you?"

"You get burned," Yvonne answered.

Both waitresses pulled The Madame around the table and behind me. I could only twist in my seat so far and they left my sight while I ate, but I could still sense them behind me.

The Madame was forced to her knees. "Oh please, no," she pleaded, staring at the way my humongous ass and back fat filled and bulged around the confines of the seat. I was a mountain of creamy mashed potatoes squeezed into a coffee cup. "Don't do this!"

"This was always going to happen, Madame. This is the end of the path you started on," Claire calmly explained.

"But don't worry. We're going to set you up in a nice facility where they'll take care of everything you need," Yvonne faux comforted.

I could hear them dragging her closer and feel the struggle right behind me and then, under my chair. Before sitting down, I had noticed a hole in in the seat of my seat, that I assumed was specially made for pulling out the buttplug. But once I was allowed to relieve the pressure in my ass, I realized the hole was a sort of exhaust port. And it dawned on me what they were doing.

So my fatness was contagious through my farts, and these waitresses were placing The Madame in the direct path of my gas...they were going to fatten up Madame Bigger.

My arms took over and began shoveling in food faster and faster. I barely chewed, just swallowing what I could, as fast as I could. The pressure was building again. The waitresses held her under me as I felt her squirm. I could only imagine the view: gray fabric stretched over the roundest, fattest ass anyone had ever seen. A slight indentation marking the cleavage separating my cheeks. I could feel them jiggle slightly as the gas rumbled within. The groaning that was barely audible to me must have been deafening to the Madame.

Finally, I couldn't hold it anymore and my ass exploded with a powerful blast of wind that flowed over Madame Bigger.

She coughed and groaned and growled angrily.

I farted again, this one unexpected, as it followed the path of the first one, loudly announcing itself, roaring at the Madame, scolding her and ridiculing her and giving her a taste of her future.

A final, lazy yawn of gas slipped out as they pulled her from beneath me. I could hear her crying. They brought her back around the table so they could address me.

"Thank you, Ophelia. Thank you for finding our brother and for helping us exact revenge on the woman that ruined him," Yvonne told me, smiling.

"We're sorry this happened to you," Claire began, motioning to my bulbous, fat form. "We had a longer con planned for getting her back, but once you fell under her influence, we had to seize the opportunity. Some of her victims are far too loyal to trust."

"Happy to help," I said through a mouthful of pasta. I swallowed before asking: "What's going to happen to her now?" I looked at her, knowing what kind of unseen changes were occurring within her body.

She was eyeing my meal, licking her lips to lubricate them. She jerked forward, but the waitresses held firm. She moaned a moan I knew all too well: the hunger had taken her.

"As we mentioned, we have found a facility that we believe will be perfect for her," Yvonne told me.

"Maybe you've heard of it: Bellevue Tower?" Claire asked.

I hadn't heard of it, to be honest. I shook my head to indicate that to them.

"The residents there come for one reason: to get fat. Around-the-clock care ensures a steady diet of the most fattening food imaginable. Even the salads are over 800 calories," Yvonne added.

"And for every hundred pounds you gain, you get moved up a floor," Claire explained. "We plan on getting her to the tippy-top," she said into the ear of The Madame, who then snapped out of her hunger-induced hypnosis long enough to register her fate.

"No, not Bellevue," she pleaded. "No, I can't. I'll get so fat!"

"That's the plan, Jiggly Jan," Yvonne sang, poking her in her already bloated belly.

"What about everyone here?" I asked, worried for the patrons. I struggled to look over my horizon of a shoulder, but was able to turn around just enough to see the couple that had been seated behind me this entire time. One of the Madame's waitresses was now standing by their table and they were both massive. The clothes they had arrived in were now tatters hanging over their fattened forms. There were regular bursts of farts, but I couldn't tell whom each one belonged to. Just a nebulous, invisible cloud of sounds and smells spreading from their table, mingling with my own atmosphere.

"The other waitresses have their orders. They'll be taken care of. Our only concern was bringing down The Madame," Claire said, squeezing Kate's arm tighter. "She's feeling softer already."

"Her organization will crumble without her," Yvonne elaborated. "Don't you worry."

"Until then," Claire began. "Say goodbye, piggy," she told The Madame.

Kate suddenly smiled for the first time since the mutiny and her eyes pierced mine. I nearly choked on the mush of mixed foods I was currently trying to swallow.

"Goodbye, Piggy," Madame Bigger said, a sinister tone permeating her words.

And with that, she was taken away. I, along with everyone else seated, continued to eat. I watched Claire and Yvonne drag The Madame through the restaurant, passing by her latest creations. I couldn't tell if The Madame was eyeing her works of art, or the food they were devouring, but she wasn't going easily.

Soon, she was out the door, and I was left with my own personal banquet, attended to by the waitresses still believing they had orders to follow.

I was no longer concerned for the other patrons and their futures. My primary concern now, was if I'd be able to walk out of here or if a wall would have to be knocked down for me.
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Th3f4t5ide 5 years
Thank you, BaldPig! That means a lot!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Wow, that is quite a bold claim! Thanks, fatrnfatr! I appreciate the praise!
Fatrnfatr 6 years
A classic of the genre. Taken together, the trilogy is possibly the best WG fiction ever written.
Th3f4t5ide 7 years
Thanks, Sokotron!
Th3f4t5ide 7 years
Thank you, girlcrisis! That means a lot coming from you. Big fan!
Girlcrisis 7 years
Fantastically well written. An absolute delight to read.
Sokotron 7 years
Thanks for writing! I love Madame Bigger!! Would love to be one of her pets too!!