The taste of luck

Chapter 5 - monday

The next day I dressed myself carefully. I choose a stretching T-Shirt with a plunging neckline to show off my best assets. I thought it would highlight my cleavage which I was often told to be impressive. I put on my best-fitting jeans which didn't help much in my opinion as I always found my thighs too big. It didn't matter which size I was, my thighs always were some sizes ahead.

But I felt quite confident and was looking forward to see Jon again. Unfortunately my parents weren't as thrilled as me. They were awaiting to spend some time with me during my vacation, and now I was constantly away. So I angrily left the house to wait at the corner for Jon.

Punctually the car was holding in front of me and I slipped into my usual place beside my new friend. Our destination wasn't far away, so I had barely time to take in his appearance. He was wearing black trousers with a white shirt and a huge wine red veste with a nice embroidery on it. I thought it accentuated his belly perfectly wonderful.

He noticed my questioning look and explained: "That's kind of a uniform everybody from the stuff has to wear in the hotel. Of course it's not designed for someone of my size. So it's not exactly flattering me."

"For me you're looking very impressive," I stated. "You're looking like the image of a jovial landlord. Someone with a joyful, appeasing and cozy charisma."

"Really?" he asked doubtfully. "Nobody told me that before. I always thought it makes me look even fatter."

"That's right," I admitted, "but, that doesn't change anything. It's all about the impression people will get from you. Do you think your guests would prefer a slim but sourly looking manager?"

"No. You're right" he beamed at me."I like your point of view."
We entered the hotel through the lobby, where we were greated by a scraggy woman.

"Nice to see you Jon"

"Don't let her bother you. That's my sister Jane."

"Jane, that's my friend Kate. I'll show her arround today.Tomorrow I will come in for work."

His sister shot me a dead glare and rushed away.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with her today." John excused her behaviour.

"Let's start the tour."

We first walked through the restaurant, which consisted of several rooms to avoid the image of a great hall. It was beautifull designed and decorated with a lot of carved wood on the walls. It was quite spacious and it took us some time with his slow-going pace. He was constantly breathing heavily so I knew it was really hard for him. Before we entered the kitchen Jon had to sit down and take a break.
When he was recovered we looked through the kitchen. Soon it was becoming evident that this was his realm. He was in his element, tasting sauces and cremes and more, talking animatedly with his colleagues. He explained to me how such a big kitchen was working. That there were different stations for the different courses and how it worked that everything was ready in time and on the same time for the whole table. I was very impressed by all the organisation that was behind the cooking.
But it was also clear that he wouldn't be able to work there. They were working high speed, even when it was not lunch time. Soon we were sitting in a corner from where we could oversee everything without standing in the way.
Jon was sitting on a broad bench explaining that this was his place when he still worked in the kitchen and had to sit as often as possible.

After that he showed me some of the rooms before we got to the wellness area. It was the newest part and amazing. Different saunas with steam and finnstyle, with herbs and one with salt air.
The best part was the pool.

"That's amazing.", I told him, "your own wellness oasis. Do you use it yourself?"

"I like to swim a lot, and sometimes I use the sauna too, but I find it to boring to sit there alone." he answered and added, "if you like we could plan a wellness day tomorrow."

So we agreed to meet again the following afternoon.
I couldn't believe my luck . This week was getting the best week of my life.

After finishing the tour when we rested in the lobby he offered me, "We now can have coffee here, or if you would agree, I would like to go to my place, where it is more comfortable for me. I've made a cake. But it is up to you, I would fully understand if you want to stay here."

"Oh, I would like to see your home" I told him happily. So he called Tim to bring us back to his place.

He lived not far away, about 10 min. by foot, in a nice apartement house.
"I had to move here when I wasn't able to climb stairs anymore," he explained, "it' not easy to find a flat without stairs in this hilly ground."

He let me in and showed me to a nice terasse with a beautiful view over the valley saying:" I think we'll have coffee first, than I'll show you around", while offering me a seat in one of the comfortable chairs. The table was already decked for two.

"I hoped you would agree" he smiled impishly", appending "I'm back in a minute"

As he said, he soon was back with a big tray with a can of coffee and an enourmous, delightfully decorated cake. He put it down on the table and sat down in an extra wide chair besides me, panting again: "one moment please."

I let him gain back his breath while enjoying the view. Pretending to look at the valley and not at his ample belly, outstretching to his knees and building roll after roll only only vaguely visible beneath his veste.

"This is a butter creme tarte with roasted almonds" he told me by cutting me a big slice.

The cake had 6 layers, filled with the creme and had a beautiful pattern painted on the surface. I let out a soft sigh when it melted in my mouth.

"You're really good with cakes" I said admiringly. "I think it's the best I've ever had. It just looks like out of a book, and it tastes heavenly."

"I'm glad that you like it. It's my favourite," he declared, "some work, but I think it's worth it."

We started to do some small talk while savoring the cake.

"So,..." he started to say, when we were silent for a moment, then pausing again.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"Ahm, he cleared his throat.
"I wanted to ask you something. And I don't know how to start it without being to indiscret."

"I hope you're not mad at me being so frankly", he blurtet out. "So you're really into big bellies?"

I had to smile a bit while answering.

"Yes I like men with big, soft bellies like yours. The bigger,the better. And yours is quite impressive, if I may be open,too."

"So you're only attracted to me because of my figure" he stated.

"Oh no," I said, "of course that was drawing my attention to you in the first place, and I have to admit that I find you really sexy. But the last two days I had a great time with you. I think we had a lot of fun and had a lot to talk about. I never knew a man with whom I could talk and laugh so much."

"Nobody ever told me to look sexy." he laughed loudly, what made his belly shaking wildly. "But I'm feeling the same way. By the way, you're looking stunningly today. I should have said that earlier, but I'm not used to flirting."

"What do you think about deepening our relationship?" He asked hesitantly.

"I would be very happy.", I admitted smiling broadly, hoping that he felt too that butterflies in his enormous belly.

"May I kiss you then?" he asked shyly.

"I would like that" I whispered, leaning over to him.
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Lostwaist 7 years
A piece of art!
Built4com4t 7 years
Nice finish..bravo
Built4com4t 7 years
better and better...i especially enjoy how you take your time describing their lovemaking
Pd500 9 years
This is fantastic!
Built4com4t 9 years
brilliant detail
Pd500 9 years
I'm looking forward to where this is going!
Built4com4t 9 years
chapter 9, yum...i'm a sucker for shower vignettes
Built4com4t 9 years
juicy always knows best :-)
Juicy 9 years
I don't need anything different... just MORE! Thanks for writing this. smiley
Pd500 9 years
I'm loving this!
Built4com4t 9 years
keep going ;-) i second blankpage
Built4com4t 9 years
better and better
Pd500 9 years
Nice start!