Fairmeadow campus capers (updated 23/10/17)

chapter 1 victory

A collective groan from commentators and crowd was followed by a deep hush, as Sarah hit the grass hard. Ellie covered her mouth - hoping her friend was all right, but also desperately willing Sarah back to her feet for the sake of the race. Meanwhile Joe and a few other guys were bellowing unsportingly at Troy, who hadn't seen the fall, to keep going.

As Sarah valiantly pushed herself up, it was clear she was badly hurt. Standing with one foot lifted slightly off the ground, it looked as though her ankle had gone - either broken or strained. Steadying herself, she bravely hobbled on on one leg. The girls cheered, but Ellie bit her lip. Troy was a way behind, and having failed again to up his pace in response to Sarah's stumble, he was still struggling along with great difficulty. Yet with Sarah now no more than hopping and grimacing each time she landed, Troy was bound to close the gap, even continuing at his current pathetic pace. This was going to be close. Sensing the same, the crowd was going wild: howls of unfairness, yells of encouragement, and a general excitement as what had looked like a foregone conclusion morphed into a possible photo-finish.


An semi-enthusiastic but still noisy male cheer spread across the crowd as a puffing, red-faced Troy finally staggered past Sarah, with just one corner and stretch of the race remaining. But the drama wasn't over. For, with an obvious grimace of pain, Sarah heroically managed to place her right foot down on the turf, and was hobble-sprinting the last hundred meters. Joe's wild cheers as Troy had passed Sarah now gave way to urgent exhortations for his man to speed up. Ellie thought both Joe and Troy might burst a blood vessel. The latter staggered on, pruce-faced and perspiring like a hog in the Sahara - and moving just about as fast - frantically glancing over his shoulder to see Sarah slowly eroding his lead.

The final moments of the race seemd to happen in slow motion, with the crowd going crazy as a hobbling Sarah and a waddling Troy approached the finish line almost neck and neck.

Then it was over. A loud and raucous final cheer, as face contorted in agony Troy somehow staggered over the finish line and immediately collapsed onto his knees. Sarah, griminacing with a different sort of pain, completed the race no more than two seconds later.


Amidst the post-race commotion, Ellie stood in dejection. She just couldn't believe the injustice of it. Of all the damned bad luck! By any measure, Sarah had whooped Troy's chubby ass - and some. Everyone knew it. After all his bragging in the weeks before the race, and his bravado during it, the supposedly elite athlete had been staring at a completely humiliating defeat. Ellie just couldn't believe it. It was so out of character for Sarah to slip. She had run that field a hundred times, often in wetter conditions, and had never slipped. Her balance was impeccable.

Indeed, to look at the two competitors after the race, you would think it had ended very differently. The contrast was quite something. Leaning back in a plastic chair, with his legs spread out and sweat pouring, Troy looked ready explode, and was gulping water into his crimson face between huge pants that caused his chest and stomach to rise and fall heavily. A cheerleader stood behind him, vainly fanning him with her pompoms, while his stunning French girlfriend Sophia fussed worriedly over her man like a wounded hero, cupping his cheeks, stroking his forehead and holding the bottle of water to his lips. A few male students came up and half-heartedly congratulated Troy, whose red cheeks bulged with each back-clap; Ellie thought it a wonder he didn't throw up.

Sarah, on the other hand, though obviously disappointed, seemed not remotely tired. There was barely a bead of sweat on her and her breathing, though enough to swell her chest, was barely above normal. Ever the happy optimist, she didn't even seem in particularly bad spirits - despite her "defeat" and its consequences. She lay on the grass, with her arms back and her hands propping her up, accepting consolations with a gracious nod, as a medical student examined her ankle.


Ellie turned to see the far-less-gracious face of Joe smiling at her.


His smug smirk said it all. With a sigh of resignation, she turned and headed for the hotdog stall.

37 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 6 years
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Hurgon 7 years
Thanks. It's coming! smiley
Zachi 7 years
Thanks for the update, still waiting for Cornucopia
FrecherTyp 7 years
oh cool you write more ;-) ....
Hurgon 7 years
Thanks for the great comments! smiley Next page is drafted, but needs de-bloating a little. Hope to have it posted this weekend.
FrecherTyp 7 years
oh please i can' t wait to read more of your genuous devilish story :-) ... please mooore ;-)
Hurgon 7 years
Thanks so much for the kind comments. Really appreciated! smiley
Derk123 7 years
Thank you for this awesome story! :-)
Snr6424 7 years
Wow, edge of my seat.
FrecherTyp 7 years
oh ;-) but cool to read something new of this cool long qicked story ;-)
Hurgon 7 years
Sorry for the delay with this. Next section is turning out longer than anticipated! Should be a 3/4 page update over the weekend.
Fatlover23 8 years
And, surely, the boys can't get much fatter now, can they?

Hurry with the update please!
I cannot wait!
I shall be here. Every day. Refreshing the page. Continually. Every second.
Hurgon 8 years
Hey, thanks for the comment. Love the enthusiasm! smiley There is more coming. A small update very soon, I hope, with much more on the horizon.
Fatlover23 8 years
I've just binged this in one night!
Is there more coming?
FrecherTyp 8 years
mhmm lov this campus story thehe i am sure it would be a hell of sexy experience to have such a genius set up in real life ^^ but as long this is not happening lol i love to read your complex and well written story smiley
Hurgon 8 years
Haha, sorry! I've a couple of pages finished. Just need to polish them a bit. They should be up sometime this coming week.
Hurgon 8 years
Thanks Couch. Reckon it's partly down to differences in weight distribution between the sexes. Easier to suck in a gut than thighs and butt!
Hurgon 8 years
Thanks all! And leantolard, I suspect an encounter with the scales may not be far off... smiley
FrecherTyp 8 years
oh and a happy new year to you as author personally
Hurgon 8 years
Thanks so much! Working on more...
FrecherTyp 8 years
mhmm yes now the teasing begins i presume ? ;-)
hehe very funny how he couldnĀ“t go under the bar cause of his wobbly belly ;-)
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