Movie munchies

chapter 2

She felt a warmth in between her thighs and continued shoveling in the popcorn and candy. Not focusing she dropped some popcorn into the exposed cleavage of her top.
"Here piggy, keep eating, let me get that." He said.
She blushed as his hand gently caressed her deeply leading a trail up her fat rolls, up her belly, to her big bosom and he felt around for the popcorn.
He cupped her breast as he searched, a nice firm, but gentle grip.
"ah, here it is piglet." he said finding the popcorn piece after searching a moment or two.
He held it in front of her mouth and she ate it up.
She felt the salt and butter in the bite, and needed a drink.
She grabbed her drink.
"Drink it all right now piglet. Drink the empty calories, add on another three pounds, no one will notice. They'll just see a big fat piggy waddling down the halls, see your blubber bouncing, your big fat butt swaying, your thick thighs rubbing together, your lardy belly hanging and wobbling. I saw you in the lobby. Couldn't wait to get your piggy hands on the snacks at the movies Could you? The movies means you can eat a load of food in the dark and it be socially acceptable. Your good at being a fatty piglet."
As he said this he placed a hand on her thick thighs and rubbed them from inner thigh to outer thigh. Gripping and feeling her thick dimply thighs under her pants material.
As he rubbed her thighs she wanted his hand to inch higher to caress her warm hot lips that began to pulsate with want at his words.
"Lean this way piglet." He said pulling on a fat roll towards him.
She looked at him a moment before she leaned into him.
He raised an arm and slid it around her fleshy back to grip her fat rolls on her other side as she rested her head against his chest.
He smelled delightful, a sweet musky sandalwood scent, with a hint of car oil.
"I want you." He whispered in her ear making shivers go down her spine.
She looked up at him in the soft light of the movie, He had lust in his voice and sweet mischief in his eyes. The warmth between her thighs intensified.
She nodded at a loss of what to say.
"finish your food first piggy. don't want your snack money to go to waste. The faster you finish, the faster we can fulfill our carnal desires for each other." He whispered huskily in her ear.
She began mowing down her popcorn quickly.
As she shoveled the salty buttery treat into her mouth he kept exploring her body. He gripped her fat rolls with one hand, the other caressed and rubbed her fat double belly.
"Keep eating piggy, let your lips get slick with butter, your hands covered in salt and crumbs. Let the calories collect on that sexy, fat, thick, voluptuous, jiggly body. I want this big fat belly full before we leave." He said making her belly jiggle and wobble like jello under her shirt.
As she ate and drank as fast as she could he gently led one hand under her shirt and she felt an electric shock go through her body as his skin touched hers.
He gripped and kneaded her belly gently, he gripped a roll and gave her belly a good shake as she downed another mouthful of popcorn.
As she dropped the now empty popcorn bucket and grabbed her box of candy he gave her thick neck a kiss.
"Yes piggy, keep eating, you're almost done." He whispered in her ear.
She shoved a handful of the candies in her mouth and chewed.
"Lean back piglet." He said.
She did as he ordered.
"You're so blubberly fat that I can't even get to your belly button without you shoving your big double belly out." He said with a chuckle.
She gasped as his fingers went from just massaging her double belly to going into her belly button.
She had to hold in a moan.
That felt so good, to have his finger there. Nestled between the thick juicy rolls of her double belly and deep into her cavernous belly button.
"I'm out of food." She whispered to him as she finished the last of her snack items.
"Good piglet. Now heave that fat load up out of that chair and come with me." He said standing up.
She tried to get herself out of the chair in one swoop but her fat rolls, her thick thighs, and her big butt were tight and snug in the chair.
"Aw, is the fat little piggy stuck? Give me your hand." He said gently.
She put her chubby hand in his and he helped haul her out of the chair.
After she stopped wobbling he led her through the theater of movie goers in the back of the theater.
Before completely exiting the movie room he paused at the doors and looked at her.
She raised an eyebrow at him.
He came closer to her slowly, gripping her tight on each side by the love handles and pulled her into him. Her squishy blubber belly pressing against his tight hard body, he moved one hand to the back of her neck and pulled her into him, pressing his lips against hers, and leaning her against the wall.
She lost herself in his mouth, his taste, the way he felt.
He ran one hand along her fat jiggling sides, caressing and jiggling and wobbling her fat blubbery body. His other hand weaved his fingers through her hair. His lips were lost in hers.
After a moment that lasted a lifetime they both gasped for air simultaneously.
"ready for more now that you've had a taste piggy?" He whispered in her ear.
"Oh yes, I want much more." She said.
"Are you a greedy piggy?" He asked as he gripped her gigantic ass in his hand.
"I'm a greedy piggy." She said breathily.
He took her hand in his and led her out of the movie theater, through the lobby, outside, and to a blue chevy pickup.
He opened the door for her and she heaved herself into the truck.
He grinned and shut the door behind her and went around to his side and climbed in.
"Do you really want this?" He asked her as he shut his door, his eyes earnest.
"I am a greedy piggy." She said leaning back and making her belly prominent.
He grinned and placed a hand on her massive thigh and began rubbing it as he started the truck and drove out of the parking lot.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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Leuco 7 years
It s so hot i would too much of a coward for such a move
Blankerpage 7 years
Finally added more, as I am finishing up a bag of valentine's day hershey kisses. Enjoy!
Chubbybellyluvr 7 years
more please