The domestication of delilah james

Chapter 6 - the calm before the storm

I wish I could say that after the masturbation incident, a switch had been flipped. I wish I could say that Delilah became suddenly interested in gobbling down everything she could get her hands on, that she had quickly piled on weight and gotten chubby, and that she did it all with a big smile on her face.

No such luck.

Looking back, however, I actually appreciate how Delilah gradually transformed herself into a curvaceous foodie. Though at the time, the way she acted so evasive and mysterious, going as far to not even acknowledge what had happened - what she had seen and said - drove me bonkers.

For months, she gave no hint of her true feelings. Even when her birthday arrived and I prepared my traditional breakfast feast, she merely smiled, kissed me, and told me how lucky she was to have me as her husband. Comparing how much she ate to that of the previous year yielded no additional information for it was nearly identical.

Meanwhile, Delilah went back to trying to obtain work as an actress and she quickly found success; she claimed a few walk-on roles and even a bit part in a low-budget movie. With her steady workload, her mood improved and we were able to re-establish a healthy routine together. It was usually the case that we'd discuss that day's events while going on a long walk in a nearby park. Dinner was, more often than not, take out from a local eatery (we had several favorites) and our evenings were comprised of quiet activities like watching TV dramas, reading books, and occasional small get-togethers with friends.

In this way, it was almost the case that I was able to set aside my fantasy of growing Delilah into a plump and spoiled wife.


It was nearly impossible for me not to revel in some of the events that occurred during our second year of marriage. There were many, but a few stick out in my mind. The funny thing about them was that I truly believe Delilah was completely naïve to how much she was arousing me. Either that or she was one hell of a seductress.


"Unnggh!&qu ot; Delilah grunted as she pulled up on her jeans.

She had both legs in, but bringing it over her tush and waist was proving unusually difficult. She hopped in placed, wiggling her petite rear as she strained and pulled the jeans ever so slightly upward until they were finally in place. Even though winter had just begun, it looked as though it had already taken a toll on Delilah.

"What are you looked at?" she snapped at me, only half-jokingly, as a used the mirror to aid me in putting on my work tie.

"Oh nothing..." I replied. My attempt to hide my smile was obviously in vain.

Delilah then set herself on the task of buttoning her jeans. Even as she strained mightily, tugging and holding her breath, the waves of her dark brown hair rested serenely on her shoulders. After a few attempts, she succeeded and let out a sigh of satisfaction and exasperation.

She quickly shot a glance in my direction and barked, "I just get a little bloated the day after we eat Chinese food, okay?"

"Whatever you say, dear," I saw that she was hiding a smile behind her front of annoyance, so I decided to be a little cheeky, "I guess that means no more of that for the foreseeable future then?"

"Don't be so hasty now!" Delilah replied.

She ran her hands down her thighs and realized just how tight her jeans clung to her; there wasn't an iota of slack.

"I'll just keep a few more sweatpants around to compensate."

We shared a laugh and embraced before leaving for work; both of us happily grinned from ear to ear. From then on, I always asked Delilah to break out the sweatpants whenever we decided to order Chinese food. It was one of those times that, even though it concerned something silly and frivolous, it nonetheless brought us closer together.


"I can't believe you actually ate that entire slice of cheesecake - it was huge!" I exclaimed.

Delilah groaned. She leaned back into the dining booth's cushion seat and placed two hands on her stomach.

"I know..." she stifled a belch and looked painfully full, "just take me home...please?"

Delilah managed to stand under her own power and as she did so, her large food baby jutted out and, like an organic compass, pointed toward the direction of the exit.

Delilah had really overdone it. I wasn't sure whether her gluttony was a product of the environment itself, what with the Cheesecake Factory's near limitless options, or if she was simply famished, but good lord did she really chow down that day. Hunks of bread, more than a few fried calamari doused in marinara sauce, an oversized portion of chicken madeira paired with asparagus and mashed potatoes, and lastly, a huge slab of white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake all crammed down Delilah's gullet.

We made limited small talk on the way home, as she instead moaned and complained about being full, all in the most adorable way possible. She rubbed her stuffed, bulging belly with great care and gentleness; any bump in the road made her wince and moan in a most pitiable manner. All the while, I could barely keep focused on driving. My erection was rock solid and all I could think about was making sweet love to Delilah.

When we returned home, she managed to lumber upstairs and plopped down onto our bed like a heavy rock; I laid down next to her. She continued to moan and groan every so often and I was beginning to be somewhat concerned.

She looked at me with her doe-eyes, their hazel coloring brimming with sincerity, and said, "Can you please rub my belly? I hurt..."

Delilah had a penchant for acting baby-like when she didn't feel well.

Meanwhile, my erection throbbed.

"Of course, dear."

I lifted her shirt to reveal her swollen middle, rising and falling in perfect synchrony with each deep breath. With its spherical shape and bloated appearance, it looked a little balloon, protruding unnaturally from Delilah's generally smooth and level midsection. I placed my hands on it; so firm, so taught. I began to message it slowly and gently.

"Ooooh...." Delilah cooed.

Her stomach gurgled as she moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain. She relaxed further into the bed and slipped further and further into a state of pure contentment. She leaned back and tilted to her side. As she did so, she let loose with a hushed, but audible fart.

"...Sorry..." she said, with blushed cheeks.

"No need to apologize, sweetie. Do you feel better?

Delilah nodded sheepishly. I gave her a hand wave, signaling her to continue. She smiled naughtily and proceeded to release more, exhaling soothingly as she did so. A look of sheer comfort was plastered across her face.

"Ah...I feel so relieved," she sighed.

We chuckled together as I continued rub her slightly less distended belly. She turned again and looking at me with those big, brown eyes of hers.

"Is this what you imagined on our wedding day? That you'd be spending your nights pampering a bloated wife who can't control her appetite?"

I held her close and replied in a hushed voice, "Til death do us part, right?"

She smiled and we began to kiss passionately, with her still bulging middle created a greater degree of separation between our bodies than usual. Needless to say, my member was maximally erect by this point. Luckily, Delilah turned the tables and relieved me of that burden.


Indeed, our second year of marriage was all well and good. But in many ways, it was the calm before the storm, as soon afterwards we made a decision that would test our relationship and alter the rest of our lives. Things would never be the same and my sweet Delilah would never weigh the same.
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Eclips 2 months
Please come back.i know it's been six years but this is just SO good 😭😭😭
_Yoshi_ 4 years
I really wish there was more
Karenjenk 4 years
i wish you would come back and write on this more
Fantasyguy 7 years
Ooh, can't wait to see the next part, such a good story.
Juicy 7 years
Yum! More, please. Lots more. 😀
Jazzman 7 years
This is Great. Quite realistic and well written
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
More than 12,000 views in 2 weeks can't be wrong! And we want more! Haha, whenever you are ready, that is! smiley
Wisconfa 7 years
Great writing ! Please continue
Bobj8888 7 years
Very good please keep going
Badhansel 7 years
Great start! Looking forward to ongoing development(s).
QuebecFA 7 years
I am really enjoying the story so far! I can't wait for Chapter 3! :-)