Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 5 - oh god here he comes

"Oh god here he comes" she thought to herself. "Look at that plate. " Justin had piled the first plate high with everything you could think of, chicken, mashed potoatoes, french fries, pizza, spaghetti, steak, mac and cheese, bacon, fried clams, buttered rolls, tacos. So much food he had to use a second plate to hold it all together.

She was biting her lip with lust for Justin and this amazing plate. "I told you I know why we are here." Justin said as he sat down the plate. "I-" interrupting, "Don't talk, eat." Justin said. "That sent a wave of pleasure through her whole body, she didn't think twice before she was shoveling food into her mouth.

She didn't even realize that he had brought her another plate. Her table had almost become a conveyor belt. She was hardly taking a breath between bites. Plate after plate, bite after enormous bite.

It had been 40 minutes before she took a second to assess the damage, and Justin was coming back with another plate. There had to be 17 plates there on the table. "It's almost time to get back, so I brought desert." A plate piled at least 6 inches high with brownies, topped with chocolate ice cream, with a layer of chocolate pudding on top and whip cream with a side huge glass of chocolate milk. "Justin, I love you." Ramona said as she tore into the plate of brownies.

Justin could only watched in awe. He hadn't realized how much food he had given her until the last plate. He counted, there were 22 plates not including the desert. Each was gigantic and so was she. The shirt she had just put on today which was loose before was now tightening, not button busting, but you could definitely tell that the space had filled up. He looked down at her pants, the rips in her jeans were bulging, tearing beyond where they were already torn, and the fly of her jeans was completely unzipped. He knew her belt wouldn't fit so he took off his own. He wore a 34 waist so he figured it would fit.

"Oh my god, that was so good Justin. I think I over did it." Over did was a severe understatement. "Here take my belt." Justin handed it to her, "ha, you don't think mine will fit anymore? I'm not that fat Justin." He looked at her, she must not realize how much food she ate. "I'm going to run to the ladies room, then we can get back to work." She tried to get up, it was way more difficult than she expected. The table was in the way, but in the way of what she thought, he gut was pressed firmly against the table preventing her from standing straight up. Justin was watching the whole time with a maddening lust. She stood up and wrapped her sweater around herself waddling to the bathroom. "You've got a real eater there don't you." The busser said, "That's an understatement." Justin replied.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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