Website rules

These rules are meant as a guideline for members, to give you an idea of the type of behaviour we find acceptable or unacceptable on this website. They are not meant to be exhaustive, and interpretation of the rules is at the discretion of the moderators. Breaking any of the site rules may result in content removal, warnings, temporary or permanent bans. Please note that these rules may change from time to time without notice.

1. Stay healthy

We do not recommend that anyone gains weight without first consulting their doctor. Anyone that fattens themselves or anyone else, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as a result of looking at the content of this website, does so at entirely their own risk and the creators of this website will in no way be held responsible for the actions of its audience.

2. Adults only

You must be 18 years or older to use this website, without exception.

3. Respect others

Please be courteous and respectful at all times, showing tolerance towards our diverse membership and the broad range of fantasies and ideas they hold. Do not post anything that is rude or insulting and do not deliberately try to 'close down' discussion just because you disagree with it or find it offensive (please report it to a moderator instead). Do not post chat logs or screenshots to public areas to discredit other members. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.

4. Respect moderators

Moderators are here for the benefit of the website as a whole. They have the final say over disputes and if they ask you to do (or not do) something please respect their wishes. This includes refraining from publicly arguing or debating the issue.

5. No spam

Please do not spam or send out mass mailings through any channel (including emails, private messaging, or through use of the chat or forums), even if you think you have a justifiable reason. If you think you need to contact other members on mass then please speak to a moderator.

6. No pornography

A degree of nudity is allowed on this site, but only if it's tastefully done. Photographs of bare breasts and buttocks are permitted, but no hardcore pornography, erections (clothed or otherwise), masturbation (real or implied), exposed pubic areas, or sex toys..

7. Non-commercial use only

This website is for non-commercial use only. Unless you have prior written agreement from the website owner advertising of products. content, services, paysites and cash apps are strictly forbidden throughout the website in public and private areas, in text, images, videos and all other forms of media.

We recognize that some web models use their paysite names both professionally and socially, therefore you may use these as usernames.

8. Giving and receiving gifts

It's nice to both give and receive gifts, perhaps as an appreciation for uploaded content or food to help you on your weight gain journey. However no one wants to be pestered with unwanted soliciting or begging for gifts, so to prevent this and distinguish gift giving from commercial use please ensure the following:

  • There is no exchange of money from one person to another
  • Wish lists and similar are kept to profiles only
  • Requests for gifts are kept to private areas only, such as private messages or private chat
  • Other members are not annoyed with excessive nagging or begging

9. Respect copyright

Please respect the copyright of others when uploading content. If you know who the owner is, make sure you have their permission. If you don't know the owner but you think it may upset someone - don't use it! People found to be catfishing will be considered and treated as scammers.

10. No child content

No pictures or videos of anyone under 18 years old. Any written content including stories should not include characters younger than 18 years old. General chat about family including minors is ok, but please do not sexualise minors including talking about their weight.

11. One login only

Only one account per member please. Multiple accounts will be deleted.

12. English language only

All communication should be in the English language. Sorry if English is not your first language, but this allows the website to be properly moderated.

13. Stay on topic

This is a fat-positive/fat-fantasy website so please try to stay generally on topic in your posts and other content. In particular no pro-weightloss rants or persuasions, please keep this to other websites.

Our members come to the site to engage with likeminded individuals to talk about fat related interests. We kindly ask that topics like politics, religion, or world events be minimized to preserve the relaxing, slow-paced atmosphere we've created for everyone to enjoy.

14. No illegal activity

This website must not be used to engage in or promote any illegal activity under US or EU law. It's fine to discuss legal topics, but please refrain from posting pictures of drug use or boasting about reckless behavior like speeding down the highway. Keep it safe and respectful for everyone!