Festive fattening - tips for christmas

What better time to throw caution to the wind than at Christmas, a time for eating, feasting and making merry. After all, if you can't push the boat out at this time of year then when can you? Temptation is everywhere at this time of year, from office party buffets laden with sandwiches, crisps and cakes, to family dinners with roast turkey, mince pies and Christmas pudding with cream and brandy butter. Why hold out? Now is the time to drop those diets, finish being frugal and delight in over indulgence.

Tips for feeders

"A fat belly for Christmas, just what I've always wanted!"
"A fat belly for Christmas, just what I've always wanted!"

For feeders this is an ideal opportunity to make sure there is always plenty of the right food around the house for whenever your feedee might fancy it. This means buying a variety of foods, savory as well as sweet, and making sure they are always within arms reach. Remember that even the most self indulgent feedees can be very lazy, and in their minds they have to weigh up the pleasure of eating against the hassle of foraging. Don't take the risk that they may forgo an extra chocolate because they can't be bothered to shift their fat bottom from the sofa. Make sure there is a variety of snacks kept in every room and change them around from time to time to make it interesting. Try to make food the center of all your activities over this period. Rather than just visiting friend or family, arrange to go around for a meal, making sure you stay for coffee and cakes afterwards. If there's wine around so much the better, your feedee is sure to give in to their bellies desire after a glass or two, and you can always take a bottle with you as a present for your hosts. While feasting in company your feedee is sure to eat more than they normally would, and your hosts will almost certainly treat you to large fattening dinners and desserts.

Tips for feedees

"I want to burst out of these jeans by new year."
"I want to burst out of these jeans by new year."

For feedees this is a time when you can over indulge in public without fear of feeling embarrassed. There's no need to worry about eating a second helping of dessert or treating yourself to another slice of cake because everyone else will be doing the same. Behavior that may seem a little piggy at other times of the year will be more acceptable now and will probably go unnoticed. Keep everyone else eating and your own consumption won't be as obvious - if you fancy a chocolate pass the box around, remembering to take one both before and afterwards. Helping out in the kitchen is always a good excuse to be around food and hopefully get to taste it. The smell of food can stir the appetite and tasters can act as aperitifs, helping you to eat more when you sit down for your meal. Your presence here will also help others to see you as the person you are increasingly becoming, the fat man or woman that loves to eat and be around food.

It may be an idea to ask for some larger clothes in your Christmas list, you may surprise yourself by how much weight you put on especially if you are actively gaining. Remember that your seasonal gain may not go unnoticed so be prepared for disapproving comments. You're bound to get one or two however well intentioned, but try not let this discourage you, focusing instead the joys of your softer, rounder body.