Lifestyle tips

7.5k kcal daily

ive been eating 7500 kcal a day for 5 days now since back of holidays. all from junk food and heavy cream. i eat healthy foods to for "some" balance. so far its been too easy. i feel hungry even after stuffing all day. why is this?
1 week

7.5k kcal daily

ive been eating 7500 kcal a day for 5 days now since back of holidays. all from junk food and heavy cream. i eat healthy foods to for "some" balance. so far its been too easy. i feel hungry even after stuffing all day. why is this?

It’s called hunger 🫣
1 week

7.5k kcal daily

ive been eating 7500 kcal a day for 5 days now since back of holidays. all from junk food and heavy cream. i eat healthy foods to for "some" balance. so far its been too easy. i feel hungry even after stuffing all day. why is this?

You messed up your internals.

I am not sure what you consider "eating healthy" but a 75k diet of anything is going to screw with your brain's ability to feel full.
1 week

7.5k kcal daily

just have to keep increasing? hehe
1 week

7.5k kcal daily

I admit that at my highest weight I didn't eat that much every day. 7.5k kcal more as a craving. If I were you, if you want to gain weight, you should think about your meals and eating times - heavy cream is a cheat in the short term.

The hunger and satiety center depends, among other things, on: on the level of glucose in the blood and hormones, e.g. gastrin or somatostatin. There may also be something nurological.
6 days

7.5k kcal daily

Impressive. I managed 6,000 calories a day every day for a month and a half, and that was hard enough to sustain. I managed 8-9k a few times in there, but that was me really pushing it.
I admire your ability to eat that much and still be hungry. I felt stuffed pretty much 24-7 and usually had so much sugar in my system I could barely sleep. Wish I had your capacity. If I could have done 7500 calories a day, I definitely would have.
5 days