
A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

I think it’s horrible, eating well means gaining weight (but not with this potential vaccine)
What do you think about that ? I wish there was a vaccine that prevents only the health risks associated with it not the process of gaining weight itself
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

I think it’s horrible, eating well means gaining weight (but not with this potential vaccine)
What do you think about that ? I wish there was a vaccine that prevents only the health risks associated with it not the process of gaining weight itself

Welp, I suppose it's that time of the month where I debunk some bullshit and smack some sense into y'all.

First off, let's hold space for people who want to eat without gaining weight. They are just as valid as us.

Secondly, this is not a vaccine. It's a study that shows promising results in lab mice.
There's no evidence that this will or will not work in humans. It's nowhere near that stage yet.

Third, even if it became a thing, you don't gotta take it. This isn't an attack on fat people. This isn't an attempt to eradicate all fatness from the globe.

Calm your tits.
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Third, even if it became a thing, you don't gotta take it. This isn't an attack on fat people. This isn't an attempt to eradicate all fatness from the globe.

I hope that you are right about this. Because I would hate to live in a reality that was like this.
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Third, even if it became a thing, you don't gotta take it. This isn't an attack on fat people. This isn't an attempt to eradicate all fatness from the globe.

I hope that you are right about this. Because I would hate to live in a reality that was like this.

I desperately wish that everyone in this community would be normal about weight loss. Because every few months or so, someone makes s post about some real or hypothetical weight loss treatment, and everyone loses they God damned minds.
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Honestly might actually be nice if the only fat people were those that want to be or don't mind being fat.
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Mr Smith:
Honestly might actually be nice if the only fat people were those that want to be or don't mind being fat.

I desperately agree with you!
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Third, even if it became a thing, you don't gotta take it. This isn't an attack on fat people. This isn't an attempt to eradicate all fatness from the globe.

I hope that you are right about this. Because I would hate to live in a reality that was like this.

I desperately wish that everyone in this community would be normal about weight loss. Because every few months or so, someone makes s post about some real or hypothetical weight loss treatment, and everyone loses they God damned minds.

I’ve got nothing against weight loss. What I am against is people HAVE to do it in order to start living their best life, even though they could still do that without changing. Some people would look at me and think that I have made it and my life is awesome, but reality is not always the case whatsoever.

Plus I also don’t wish to be villainized by having a preference for liking overweight people. Even since the downward spiral of the prime of body/fat positivity, that took a massive hit on my confidence. Now if it’s something that people don’t want, fine by me. But there will be some people who will come after me for encouraging unhealthy lifestyles. - In the outside world’s general public opinion, not in my control unfortunately.
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Third, even if it became a thing, you don't gotta take it. This isn't an attack on fat people. This isn't an attempt to eradicate all fatness from the globe.

I hope that you are right about this. Because I would hate to live in a reality that was like this.

I desperately wish that everyone in this community would be normal about weight loss. Because every few months or so, someone makes s post about some real or hypothetical weight loss treatment, and everyone loses they God damned minds.

I’ve got nothing against weight loss. What I am against is people HAVE to do it in order to start living their best life, even though they could still do that without changing. Some people would look at me and think that I have made it and my life is awesome, but reality is not always the case whatsoever.

Plus I also don’t wish to be villainized by having a preference for liking overweight people. Even since the downward spiral of the prime of body/fat positivity, that took a massive hit on my confidence. Now if it’s something that people don’t want, fine by me. But there will be some people who will come after me for encouraging unhealthy lifestyles. - In the outside world’s general public opinion, not in my control unfortunately.

Mm, sounds like a skill issue on your part. I recommend therapy to unpack that.

I'm a muscular black woman dating a fat white man. When we are out and about, no one is paying us any atrention. And when they do, they think we are a cute couple.

No one cares about who you like. And the handful that do are easily ignored
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

I think a vaccine or treatment to allow people to consume what they want when they want without gaining weight is a good thing. It'll help in several ways to make this community better.
For example, fewer people becoming feedees just because it is the only way they can find people attracted to them. Fewer people spiraling into depression because they are huge and fat but don't want to be. Fewer surgeries for weight loss. Fewer deaths caused by severe morbid obesity by those who don't want it.

Also, think of the benefits. If you get to a weight or size you're happy with, but don't want to gain any more, or want to focus on your health while still eating like a person barreling down the path to enormity, then you can.

Have to think about the positives and not assume that you don't get to make a choice about these sorts of things. Additionally, a better understanding of what mechanisms impact human's weight gain can only be good for the community. Healthier happier feedees and feeders are great for all. Regardless of weight.

All good points
3 weeks

A vaccine that will prevent weight gain!?

Mm, sounds like a skill issue on your part. I recommend therapy to unpack that.

I'm a muscular black woman dating a fat white man. When we are out and about, no one is paying us any atrention. And when they do, they think we are a cute couple.

No one cares about who you like. And the handful that do are easily ignored

A skill issue? Really?

You know this comment of mine comes from a good place and not necessarily from self-pity. Even if it sounds like it.

The reason why I say that is because I know that I am not the only person who thinks like this, within and outside of the community. I want to speak because I also want some people feel heard, that kind that fears of getting “munched” by you.

And if I am being honest with you, I have absolutely NO SHAME in liking what I like, I mean I wouldn’t even have this username if I did. Of all the people I have dated (none of whom have ever been equal nor smaller than me) I really don’t care what people think about whenever I am seen with someone bigger than me on a date IRL. However in the online world, people are VERY critical, and as a content creator this is something that I have to be well aware of.

But I have been wrong before, I do acknowledge that. And going back to the topic, I DO hope that I am wrong about all of this especially if it’s about fearing that my fearful delusions would come true. Who knows, maybe it won’t be as bad as I thought… but I suppose we shall wait and see.
3 weeks
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