
Bbw friendly massage therapists

Are there any "bbw friendly" massage therapists that anyone knows of in my area of course? I'm pregnant and in desperate need of a GOOD massage! I'm very confident with my naked body but just seem to be having a very difficult time finding a decent massage therapist who is obviously comfortable with ALL of my body and isn't afraid to really get in every crevice and fold, lift and move things..I know you guys get it! A person who actually knows what works and feels good for a person with a lot more to offer and isn't ashamed of her body!!!! I'm pretty sure this isn't a thing but just desperate and figured I have nothing to lose..!! Thanks ff community
4 months

Bbw friendly massage therapists

Are there any "bbw friendly" massage therapists that anyone knows of in my area of course? I'm pregnant and in desperate need of a GOOD massage! I'm very confident with my naked body but just seem to be having a very difficult time finding a decent massage therapist who is obviously comfortable with ALL of my body and isn't afraid to really get in every crevice and fold, lift and move things..I know you guys get it! A person who actually knows what works and feels good for a person with a lot more to offer and isn't ashamed of her body!!!! I'm pretty sure this isn't a thing but just desperate and figured I have nothing to lose..!! Thanks ff community

I would really love to find a massage therapist like this. That would be the dream.
4 months

Bbw friendly massage therapists

Are there any "bbw friendly" massage therapists that anyone knows of in my area of course? I'm pregnant and in desperate need of a GOOD massage! I'm very confident with my naked body but just seem to be having a very difficult time finding a decent massage therapist who is obviously comfortable with ALL of my body and isn't afraid to really get in every crevice and fold, lift and move things..I know you guys get it! A person who actually knows what works and feels good for a person with a lot more to offer and isn't ashamed of her body!!!! I'm pretty sure this isn't a thing but just desperate and figured I have nothing to lose..!! Thanks ff community

I would honestly think that would be in the job description to be able to handle whatever body type comes onto the door.
4 months

Bbw friendly massage therapists

Can I pleeeease ditto this for southern Wisconsin? Please and thank you💕

Many of us want to ditto it for every region represented on the site 😁
4 months