
Cause of positive community

I go on FF almost every day, and I’m consistently taken aback by how positive and friendly most people on this site are. It seems that most fetish websites are filled to the brim with toxic people, but not this one. Obviously there are outliers (i’m sure plenty of people get not so nice dms), but from what I see as a lurker, people here seem pretty nice. Why do you all think this is?
3 months

Cause of positive community

Probably the moderation of the website. Threads with toxicity are taken down or locked easily and it sets a precedent for much of the rest of the website that it’s not welcomed. The flow of the forums at least seems to be relatively slow.
3 months

Cause of positive community

Probably the moderation of the website. Threads with toxicity are taken down or locked easily and it sets a precedent for much of the rest of the website that it’s not welcomed. The flow of the forums at least seems to be relatively slow.

This is true. That and when there are actuallu terrible people, the community rallies together against them. I've seen some instances where someone is minding their own business and they get a hate comment. Shortly after, 3 or 4 people clown on them.

It's great.
3 months