Lifestyle tips

Clothes at much larger sizes

Hey so to anyone who shops for 9xl or higher in the uk what sites do you recommend? I use bigdude already but I’m starting to outgrow their sizes soon so I would be great to prepare for when I get into the truly massive
2 months

Clothes at much larger sizes

My brother is both super tall and very large and he gets his clothes from here:

I have also bought him clothing from John Banks for birthdays / Xmas presents.

It's always annoying trying to find things in the UK for very large sizes. But both of the above I have seen the quality of the clothing and so I can definately recommend. Although admittadely, not much style or colour choice.
1 month

Clothes at much larger sizes

Thank you just look into them they seem have a decent range of clothes
1 month

Clothes at much larger sizes

My problem is that I'm short AND wide. Most clothes for larger bodies seem to assume that I'm much taller than I am, when realistically I'm looking at a 29 inch leg length. I've reached the point where no physical stores seem to stock my size when it comes to jeans/trousers so I'm going to have to start looking online.
1 month

Clothes at much larger sizes

Try sainsburys for Jean's. I've had some fairly recently and I'm same 29inch leg. I'm 26stone 5ft10 normally wear 44 to 46inch waist and sainsburys 44s are.loose and baggy on me
1 month

Clothes at much larger sizes

Try sainsburys for Jean's. I've had some fairly recently and I'm same 29inch leg. I'm 26stone 5ft10 normally wear 44 to 46inch waist and sainsburys 44s are.loose and baggy on me

Thank you! I will absolutely check them out, that's incredibly useful info, especially when it's so rare to find those sizes.
1 month

Clothes at much larger sizes


I am in Australia and have some 15xl track pants and shirts, and can get jeans 187 cm waist, i am currently 33 stone gaining back to 35 currently.The 187 cm jeans at 35 are tight, when I was at my peak of 37 stone these are not big enough was uncomfortable, given I am aiming for 600 lbs or about 43 stone, I will be looking for 200 plus cm waist, anyone know any from Europe or the USA, I can import.
1 month