Fat experiences

Fattening hormones

I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

Audrey Beauregarde:
I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?

Is your fat being deposited, in all the right places to give you that hourglass shape?

Are you still able to get erect?.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

Audrey Beauregarde:
I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?

Is your fat being deposited, in all the right places to give you that hourglass shape?

Are you still able to get erect?.

Beloved, there are more shapes than hourglass and they are all valid.

Also, it's really rude to ask a trans femme if they can still have an erection.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

Audrey Beauregarde:
I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?

I have several friends on estrogen. I can confirm that weight gain is normal.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

I was curious, because if it does , I need to take me some. I’d love it…
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

I have seen where testosterone has caused weight gain on FtM trans people so a change in hormones may likely cause a weight change.
MtF I have known did gain 20 lbs or so and that fat will eventually will end up in the hips and butt as well as thighs.
I'm no expert just an observation I made working at medical center that dealt with trans people that were seeing doctors.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

geometry dash meltdown said:
I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?

I also have weight gain and water retention. What should I do?
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

geometry dash meltdown said:
I've been on estrogen for about six months now. I've gained roughly ten pounds since I last checked. Anyone else experience this?

I also have weight gain and water retention. What should I do?

If you have medical concerns and it is safe for you to do so, see a doctor.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

I havent experienced any direct weight gain that i know of on estrogen. but i have experienced some change the ratio of muscle to fat. it'll definitely make you softer. And i think above all, for a gainer/feedee, thats a big part of the goal.
2 weeks

Fattening hormones

I havent experienced any direct weight gain that i know of on estrogen. but i have experienced some change the ratio of muscle to fat. it'll definitely make you softer. And i think above all, for a gainer/feedee, thats a big part of the goal.

Depends on the person about muscle loss being the goal.

That said, muscle is denser than fat. So, it is possible that you can get fatter without getting heavier.
2 weeks
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