
Feederism podcast?

Why Don't we have a podcast?
Like, I seen podcasts for other kinks and such, but never a podcast for feederism or just being an FA

Why is that? Like, we need a positive voice or just find more like minded people
2 months

Feederism podcast?

Why Don't we have a podcast?
Like, I seen podcasts for other kinks and such, but never a podcast for feederism or just being an FA

Why is that? Like, we need a positive voice or just find more like minded people

Having interacted with a lot of people on FF, I think it's because most people are not interesting enough to have a podcast.
2 months

Feederism podcast?

gmmm I see. the reason I bring this up
is because (I watch Deadwingdork) I seen zoos and even..other people who i will niot mention, make a podcasts for their..crimes

meanwhile, we don't for some reason
hell, I even seen Atheist podcasts to....
2 months

Feederism podcast?

gmmm I see. the reason I bring this up
is because (I watch Deadwingdork) I seen zoos and even..other people who i will niot mention, make a podcasts for their..crimes

meanwhile, we don't for some reason
hell, I even seen Atheist podcasts to....

With peace and love, but not everything needs to have a podcast.
2 months

Feederism podcast?

gmmm I see. the reason I bring this up
is because (I watch Deadwingdork) I seen zoos and even..other people who i will niot mention, make a podcasts for their..crimes

meanwhile, we don't for some reason
hell, I even seen Atheist podcasts to....

With peace and love, but not everything needs to have a podcast.

mmm I guess so
thank you for answering
2 months

Feederism podcast?

Why Don't we have a podcast?
Like, I seen podcasts for other kinks and such, but never a podcast for feederism or just being an FA

Why is that? Like, we need a positive voice or just find more like minded people

Having interacted with a lot of people on FF, I think it's because most people are not interesting enough to have a podcast.

2 months

Feederism podcast?

Why Don't we have a podcast?
Like, I seen podcasts for other kinks and such, but never a podcast for feederism or just being an FA

Why is that? Like, we need a positive voice or just find more like minded people

I'd definitely enjoy that! both as an audience or maybe even doing it ourselves and I think there are some great personalities which could feature in episodes, will definitely keep this in mind for the future!
2 months

Feederism podcast?

I don’t think there has been a new episode in a while, but Wood’s feedist podcast (Woods Weird Wellness) was pretty good and featured some guests people might recognize.
2 months

Feederism podcast?

I totally won’t mind that. Especially we could use one nowadays from the way the tone of the internet has changed.

Heck even I won’t mind being a special guest on the podcast too!
2 months

Feederism podcast?

There was one with two male feedees who would do interviews with guest male feedees. I'm not into men, but it was kind of interesting in a general way. Got repetitive though. They'd basically do feedee bios. When did you first think about gaining as a child? What got you started doing it? How has it been, etc. etc.

Here's the site on wayback machine:
unfortunately the audio doesn't work.
2 months
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