Fat experiences

Feeling my stretch marks come in

I don't see this talked about on here too much. But can anyone else feel their stretch marks come in? I really don't have many at this point, just some on my loves handles, arms, and chest, but none on my belly. But in the last day or so my previously faded stretch marks have turned red again at their tips and they're giving me a weird tingling sensation. It's both slightly uncomfortable and also a nice reminder I'm starting to make some progress again in my gain
2 weeks

Feeling my stretch marks come in

That's so hot. I bet it feels so good to gain stretch marks and see how much of a glutton you are 🥵
2 weeks

Feeling my stretch marks come in

What you’re feeling is your new skin from your newly acquired mass which is soft and sensitive prone to irritation from hair your shirt etc
2 weeks

Feeling my stretch marks come in

I don't see this talked about on here too much. But can anyone else feel their stretch marks come in? I really don't have many at this point, just some on my loves handles, arms, and chest, but none on my belly. But in the last day or so my previously faded stretch marks have turned red again at their tips and they're giving me a weird tingling sensation. It's both slightly uncomfortable and also a nice reminder I'm starting to make some progress again in my gain

Mine all have the slightest tingle / burning sensation. Like you said, very fun to be reminded of how fat you've gotten this way smiley the feeling lasts for quite a while.
2 weeks