
Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

Back when I used to work in fast food I ate fast food daily for free and while I did see results,if I were the one paying for it,I would say it's a very inefficient way to put on weight because it leaves such a huge hole in your wallet.Dont get me wrong eating fast food is great and all to put on weight but it should be mixed with other things. Afterall,fast food should something you enjoy eating.

If you want an add on something to your diet to put on fat in a simple way,I would strongly recommend into weight gain shakes/powder that's used by athletes.They are simple to prepare and normally have over 1000 calories per serving. I've been using them for almost a year now and ive put on 30 pounds with them.

If you want my recommendations for what type to get and get the most bang for your buck,just shoot me a dm and I'll give you more details
2 months

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

If you’re so underweight why worry about people perspective? Most adult men are 180-230
2 months

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

Morbidly A Beast:
If you’re so underweight why worry about people perspective? Most adult men are 180-230

it’s not that I’m worried about other peoples thoughts I’m aware that if I manage to reach my goal it’s going to show I just feel like I’d enjoy my weight gain more if It was more private and I could focus on the feeling of getting fat more

To each their own I guess I just don’t understand
2 months

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

I’ve been gaining primarily from fast food lately and I’ve so far had no adverse affects! I live next door to a McDonald’s so I eat there frequently, often 5/7 days a week and sometimes more than once a day. Other than that I eat a lot of junk food, and I’ve easily been putting on weight without really trying. I’d say go for it, but if you have access to healthy food still try to rotate that into your diet :]
2 months

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

I’m severely underweight about 125 but my goal is around 180-200 could I gain enough to reach my goal in a short amount of time (without dying lol) by eating strictly fast food it would be easier to get my calories up and I could eat it in my car since I’d like to gain in private or are there any ways I could my hands on healthier high calorie meals that I don’t have to cook at home?

It's a big world, so there's probably someone out there who did it. But, I wouldn't advise it for two, very big reasons.

It's Not Cost Efficient.

I'm pretty sure you don't want to spend well over a grand a month on takeout food. Before you say "no way!," let me point out the largest combos at various fast food joints, at least in my area, can be around $15-17 each. Do that twice a day, and that's $900 a month.

Good grief.. even pre-made frozen meals from the grocery store are cheaper than that, and they often aren't the most cost efficient thing either.

If it's same day delivery (e.g. DoorDash or UberEats), the cost will double, at least. I hope you never use such a service, but if you do, STOP. Most fast food joints have drive-through lines, which are faster, and the actual food is fresher too, and that's if you get fast food.

It's Not Particularly Healthful

Even if okay, you're richer than God or King Croesus, and you don't have much financial sense (I could talk about the value of investments but that's a digression), it's still not that great of an idea.

Somehow, in many cases, the fast food giants have figured out how to made most of their stuff in the cheapest and worst ways possible, so they might lack nutritional value, and you do need vitamins.

At the very least, try to mix in some better food, or at least take some sort of multivitamin each day.

There's plenty of ways to have better food that's nevertheless very high in calories.

And the soda, all that horrible soda. I'm convinced it's the worst thing ever, and it wouldn't even help with your goals. I don't know about you, but if I try to drink too much soda, like half a liter or whatever, suddenly I just want to sleep within the next hour or so, and I can't focus on anything. I think it's because of the excessive amounts of HFCS in it. And HFCS is vile stuff. While you probably don't have to worry about trace amounts of it, soda has excessive amounts.

Curiously, if something has real sugar in it, it doesn't seem to have that effect on me. And if pure white can sugar is better, you know HFCS is very bad news.

HFCS also fucks with your glycemic levels in such a way that with all that soda, diabetes is pretty much guaranteed and that is NOT fun. You absolutely do NOT want that.

And all that soda? I'd wonder if you'd still have any teeth left after a decade or so.

There's definitely better ways to get the calories in and pack on that weight. Heavy cream, if used properly and correctly, can be very effective.

Other Thoughts

I don't know what you mean by a "short amount of time," but there are no quick, fast shortcuts. If you can gain an average of 1-2 lbs in a week, that's already pretty good. That works out to 52-104 lbs a year if you can keep it up, and that's something most haven't been able to do.

There have been multiple anecdotal reports of 120 lbs in a single year, though this isn't super common. There have also been reports of 20 lbs in a single month, but this is not a sustainable rate of gain, and most who have done so, were already pretty big to begin with.

Anyway, I'm not here to dissuade you from gaining, far from it. There are many people here who are willing to help you with tips and ideas. I am however trying to dissuade you from a "Supersize Me" challenge back to back for months on end, because I know you will regret it if you do.

And stay away from the soda, or at least really limit your intake of it.
2 months

Has anyone gained strictly from fast food?

I’ve been gaining primarily from fast food lately and I’ve so far had no adverse affects! I live next door to a McDonald’s so I eat there frequently, often 5/7 days a week and sometimes more than once a day. Other than that I eat a lot of junk food, and I’ve easily been putting on weight without really trying. I’d say go for it, but if you have access to healthy food still try to rotate that into your diet :]

how fast did you gain by using this method? Any high calorie order suggestions?

So far since moving next to McDonald’s have gained around ten pounds in a mouth. I don’t stuff there very often, but I frequent there for high calorie snacks, like their snack wraps and junior burgers, along with their sweets like cookies and donuts! I do that most days, often multiple times a day
2 months