15 years
lesbifeedee wrote
Me a immobile feedee 800 lbs and gaining wondering why most immobile or extreme feedees are lesbian can someone tell me why?
Me a immobile feedee 800 lbs and gaining wondering why most immobile or extreme feedees are lesbian can someone tell me why?
Most likely because many of them are actually men pretending to be women online.
15 years
SSBBWHeather wrote
I agree with you!!!
marzopolis wrote
I think the reasons so many very fat women feel more comfortable around other fat women are many and complex. For starters, so many men need actual vaginal penetration, and most lesbians are sensitive enough to realize that oral stimulation and foreplay are what being hugely, sensually fat is all about, not just being a giant sex toy. This doubtless will get me into trouble here as no two peaople are alike, but men do have a greater history of "cutting and running" when their super obese wives and s/o's (girlfriends?) get to the point of immobility.
Add this to a general and generally-deserved distrust of men, especially when a young fat girl is so emotionally hurt by boys she might otherwise be attracted to, and it sets the stage for the acceptance of a warm and dedicated lesbian's love. Just my opinion; and I'm open-minded enough to consider other opinions, but at least it's an attempt to answer.
lesbifeedee wrote
Me a immobile feedee 800 lbs and gaining wondering why most immobile or extreme feedees are lesbian can someone tell me why?
Me a immobile feedee 800 lbs and gaining wondering why most immobile or extreme feedees are lesbian can someone tell me why?
I think the reasons so many very fat women feel more comfortable around other fat women are many and complex. For starters, so many men need actual vaginal penetration, and most lesbians are sensitive enough to realize that oral stimulation and foreplay are what being hugely, sensually fat is all about, not just being a giant sex toy. This doubtless will get me into trouble here as no two peaople are alike, but men do have a greater history of "cutting and running" when their super obese wives and s/o's (girlfriends?) get to the point of immobility.
Add this to a general and generally-deserved distrust of men, especially when a young fat girl is so emotionally hurt by boys she might otherwise be attracted to, and it sets the stage for the acceptance of a warm and dedicated lesbian's love. Just my opinion; and I'm open-minded enough to consider other opinions, but at least it's an attempt to answer.
I agree with you!!!
i myself ca nsomewhat agree i myself have been a lover of qbese ssbbws since as long as i can remeber and i would never ever leave my woman once she gets to the point of immobility i would worship her and take care of her my problem is not finding anyone who loves being that way to that point the women i run into tend ot fall for society's ruling ot be beautiful and accepted they must be a size 2 or 4 if i could find a woman who is confident in her size and does not mind being an obese ssbbw i would worship her
15 years
For me a immobile woman is absolute perfection of femanine softness shape and curves. I have had a desire to care love and cherish a woman of extremly large proportions for many years. Unfortunatly i wonder how many of these glorious women are behind closed doors not knowing that there are men who would adore,love and care for them. I feel sure that many feedee women who felt they could trust a man to be with her in every way and be sure they would provide for all there needs in a commited relationship, we would see more immobile women here.
15 years
Shmoo wrote
If you are so limited to believe that an "odd orgasm" is the only joy in the extreme fat lifestyle, you're just not gettin' it. --Shmoo
CurvyEm wrote
I think the thing about immobility is that it would be pretty boring. Sure, you might get off every now and again but you can't be horny all the time and you've sacrificed your entire life for the odd orgasm.
I think the thing about immobility is that it would be pretty boring. Sure, you might get off every now and again but you can't be horny all the time and you've sacrificed your entire life for the odd orgasm.
If you are so limited to believe that an "odd orgasm" is the only joy in the extreme fat lifestyle, you're just not gettin' it. --Shmoo

15 years
Hi all i think curyem has raised a important issue! My 1st point is immobility takes on many situations.....From being unable to take a long walk, to being unable to walk short distances, to just taking a few steps a day ....to total immobility bed bound...... From the moment you are unable to take a long walk you are becoming immobile and risk total immobility for many reasons.....ANY WOMEN WHO BECOMES EXTREMLEY LARGE BY HER OWN CHOICE ! should be respected and adored for her achievement all humans need stimulation and a purpose in life for many total immobility would not be a happy experiance for others it would be the ultimate goal or hell on earth..........WE ALL HAVE DIFFERNT NEEDS [ lets all respect the wants and needs of the individual and be respectful of there commitment to there large proportions what ever size or weight they achieve] ....and hell yes a totally immobile woman is what i would like .................but its not my choice i do not have to live the life..........thanks to all that read this.............
15 years
CurvyEm wrote
I think the thing about immobility is that it would be pretty boring. Sure, you might get off every now and again but you can't be horny all the time and you've sacrificed your entire life for the odd orgasm.
i have to agree with that pretty much a woman who wants that just gave up her life
I think the thing about immobility is that it would be pretty boring. Sure, you might get off every now and again but you can't be horny all the time and you've sacrificed your entire life for the odd orgasm.
15 years
GrowingHeather wrote
I have to say I feel the same way you to. My BF left in December because I got too fat for him. I don't want that to happen again.
lulubelle wrote
I agree. I desire to gain but can't find a feeder who is honest and truly wants to be my partner for life and take care of me if i do become immobile. I hesitate to get too large for fear I won't be able to take care of myself alone if he cuts and runs.
I agree. I desire to gain but can't find a feeder who is honest and truly wants to be my partner for life and take care of me if i do become immobile. I hesitate to get too large for fear I won't be able to take care of myself alone if he cuts and runs.
I have to say I feel the same way you to. My BF left in December because I got too fat for him. I don't want that to happen again.
I think this is one of the biggest concerns with immobility and probably one of the greatest fears of anyone intentionaly gaining weight.
Sure places like this make it seem so much easier to eat to a size we enjoy, what with all the encouragement, but reality is often not the same as the dream...
14 years
I think I would love to be immobile. I really would have to be in a committed relationship to do it in real life, but I'd defiantly love it. Right now, I'm content to waddle around my apt, eating and gaining. I couldn't really "let go" and let myself become immobile without a feeder/boyfriend.
14 years