First off, I know that sounds bad, but I have no interest in cheating on my wife in any way, shape, or form. I love her more than anything, we share this kink together and we are both very loyal to each other. I’m perfectly satisfied by her and she I.
That all being said, I really miss role playing with her and we’ve both been so busy it’s hard to find the time and I get so bored at work sometimes I’m just sitting for hours with nothing to do. I kind of just want to RP with strangers sometimes, I haven’t because it feels wrong. I know we aren’t doing anything physical and I have no emotions for the other person, but it’s still somewhat intimate I guess and feels like cheating.
And now I’m looking into some ttrpg systems like Gorgeworld where you’re playing with multiple people and now I’m wondering if that counts. She can just get really self conscious sometimes. As I said we share the same fetish, but she has a hard time putting on weight and constantly kicks herself for it. Even though I’ve assured her over and over again that she’s beautiful to me no matter how big or small she is.
I don’t know, I guess I’m just asking if RP can considered a form of cheating and if so is it just across the board or does it matter if the RP is fetish based and not really intimacy based. I really want an outlet that’s just kind of my thing. I would have her join me, but she’s really shy and she’s not interested in it as much.
Basically I’m asking would I be a bad person if every once in awhile I rp’d with a stranger or multiple strangers, had our fun and kept it at that? Or is this just not a road worth going down? Because I’m happy with what I have and don’t want to ruin it over something stupid.
First off, I know that sounds bad, but I have no interest in cheating on my wife in any way, shape, or form. I love her more than anything, we share this kink together and we are both very loyal to each other. I’m perfectly satisfied by her and she I.
That all being said, I really miss role playing with her and we’ve both been so busy it’s hard to find the time and I get so bored at work sometimes I’m just sitting for hours with nothing to do. I kind of just want to RP with strangers sometimes, I haven’t because it feels wrong. I know we aren’t doing anything physical and I have no emotions for the other person, but it’s still somewhat intimate I guess and feels like cheating.
And now I’m looking into some ttrpg systems like Gorgeworld where you’re playing with multiple people and now I’m wondering if that counts. She can just get really self conscious sometimes. As I said we share the same fetish, but she has a hard time putting on weight and constantly kicks herself for it. Even though I’ve assured her over and over again that she’s beautiful to me no matter how big or small she is.
I don’t know, I guess I’m just asking if RP can considered a form of cheating and if so is it just across the board or does it matter if the RP is fetish based and not really intimacy based. I really want an outlet that’s just kind of my thing. I would have her join me, but she’s really shy and she’s not interested in it as much.
Basically I’m asking would I be a bad person if every once in awhile I rp’d with a stranger or multiple strangers, had our fun and kept it at that? Or is this just not a road worth going down? Because I’m happy with what I have and don’t want to ruin it over something stupid.
It depends on the relationship.
But in your case, don't look to strangers to get your kicks. Talk to your wife. You are going to destroy your marriage if you don't because when your wife finds out (and she will find out), she will feel betrayed and blame herself.
Be a man and put her first - not your dick.
1 month