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Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

Or ought one just drop them in the default 'General'?

Curious mind here wanting to know!
1 month

Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

With neither of my pics under 'Food' here now having lasted very long, could you please tell me guys, am I doing something wrong?
1 month

Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

Beverage pics/videos can go under the food tag. Can you explain what I’m looking at in the picture you linked? I don’t know if I get it.
1 month

Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

Thank you for the reply, and I will be happy to do my best to better explain.
Both my "drink under the 'Food' category" and "food under the 'Food' category" posts were gone within minutes of having been originally posted there.
You can think of the posts as "before/during" (the upper two) and "after" (the lower pic).
*Boom* my posts were promptly gone, with what had been the following posts having moved back up to the top of the 'Food' category search results queue.
1 month

Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

Max Stout:
Thank you for the reply, and I will be happy to do my best to better explain.
Both my "drink under the 'Food' category" and "food under the 'Food' category" posts were gone within minutes of having been originally posted there.
You can think of the posts as "before/during" (the upper two) and "after" (the lower pic).
*Boom* my posts were promptly gone, with what had been the following posts having moved back up to the top of the 'Food' category search results queue.

Yeah, that’s really weird. There are several recent “food” tagged pics that don’t show up in the list when you filter for them, it’s not just yours. The pics are there and you can see them if you don’t use the filters, but it definitely seems odd. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I’ll try to get more information on what’s going on.
1 month

Is it appropriate to save beverage videos under food?

I'm 99% sure this issue is related to the other photos you’ve posted.

While we have different categories, only the most recent picture will appear in the main gallery section. For example, if I post a picture of food in the "Food" category and then immediately post a picture of my face in the "General" category, both photos will appear in my personal gallery. However, only the most recent photo will show in the main content section gallery.

I mention this because the food picture is still visible in your gallery, and I can see the "New" icon next to it in the first screenshot. But since you’ve posted newer photos, the most recent one will appear in the main content section and in the relevant category.

This feature was implemented a while ago to prevent content spamming, where users would mass upload pictures that could take over the content sections. However, perhaps we could look into updating this so it's more category-specific in the future so that the newest pictures in each category per user are all shown.

Hope this makes sense, any questions let me know.

FF Team
1 month