Clothes padding

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Coming up I'm gonna have the house to myself and a free couple of days - I'm planning on going to a nearby city about an hour away and be fully padded up for the day. I haven't made any solid plans, except I am getting my car's oil changed at a dealership there.

My plan so far is:
- Brunch somewhere
- Get cars oil changed
- Walk around the mall (try on clothes, etc)
- Hit up a brewery?
- Go see a movie?
- Dinner somewhere

Which isn't really that much of a plan I guess, but I got to start somewhere. I was even toying with the idea of going to church (for once) and getting lunch with the sunday crowd, but it's so awkward going to a random church, haha.

So what do you think? What would y'all do if you had all day and knew you wouldn't run into anyone you know?
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

I was just thinking about this today!

I would make sure my padding included some decent *weight*, so I could feel that difference as well as the size. Someone once suggested caulking in giant ziplock bags.

I'd make sure I had to climb stairs at some point to feel/struggle against that weight. A long walk in a park and taking breaks on benches. I'd want to try to shoot pool 🎱 to awkwardly work around my size. A movie theatre, perhaps an old one with smaller seats. Definitely a buffet. 😁
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

I would make sure my padding included some decent *weight*, so I could feel that difference as well as the size. Someone once suggested caulking in giant ziplock bags.

Yeah I've talked about my setup in some of my other posts, but I use around 6 gallons of base gel for my "belly" so it's pretty heavy haha. About 50 extra pounds (or ~22 kilos if you're into that) to carry around. It definitely becomes a strain after a bit of walking without a break! Like any more than 100 yards/meters or so, and it's tough!

Shooting pool sounds fun to try, I'll have to see if there's any pool halls around. I really like the idea of doing something that highlights how in-the-way my belly gets, maybe there's other activities like that too.
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

I would make sure my padding included some decent *weight*, so I could feel that difference as well as the size. Someone once suggested caulking in giant ziplock bags.

Yeah I've talked about my setup in some of my other posts, but I use around 6 gallons of base gel for my "belly" so it's pretty heavy haha. About 50 extra pounds (or ~22 kilos if you're into that) to carry around. It definitely becomes a strain after a bit of walking without a break! Like any more than 100 yards/meters or so, and it's tough!

Shooting pool sounds fun to try, I'll have to see if there's any pool halls around. I really like the idea of doing something that highlights how in-the-way my belly gets, maybe there's other activities like that too.

Tell me more about base gel? When I Google it I get a lot of nail polish results. πŸ˜†

50lbs sounds like a *perfect* addition. Not impossible, definitely a difference. I wonder if I could spread some around so it's not all in front. I'd like some on my ass, but I'd worry about sitting on it though. Ha! Maybe back, upper arms, thighs...

I really enjoy playing pool, but had to take a break (ha!) when our local place closed. A new one opened recently and now that I'm fatter I was like 😳😳😳 I can't make THAT shot anymore, or THAT, and I can't lean across without my fat touching the balls on the table... Add 50lbs more and padding? I'd have a blast! 😁

I'll try to think of other things that aren't really strenuous but just as belly-fun! Edited to add: Mini golf?
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Tell me more about base gel? When I Google it I get a lot of nail polish results. πŸ˜†

This is base gel:
You use it in the bases of outdoor basketball goals that sit in your driveway or w/e. It looks like sand, but it absorbs hundreds of times its weight in water to form this jelly-like substance. I usually mix 20 grams per gallon of water in a 30-gallon trash bag. It's great for padding cause you get all the heft of water without the potential for water damage if your bag springs a leak. If you dig through my post history you'll see where I go more in-depth about my setup.

I'd like some on my ass, but I'd worry about sitting on it though.

Yeah you probably want to just use cloth or something for that, I wouldn't trust the base gel bags, and probably not caulk-bags either.

I'll try to think of other things that aren't really strenuous but just as belly-fun! Edited to add: Mini golf?

Minigolf is a good idea, I just wish I had people to go with. Bowling would probably be fun too.
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Oh my GOD I just found out there's a weekend-long festival in a nearby town that weekend that's having an honest-to-god pie eating contest!
- $10 admission
- You have to eat with no hands (!!)
- Winner gets a year supply of Frisch’s Big Boy sandwiches

This is pure feedee-fuel lol. I'd totally do it if I knew my face/name wouldn't end up on facebook or Instagram or something. I might do it anyway! This is honestly too good to be true.
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Oh my GOD I just found out there's a weekend-long festival in a nearby town that weekend that's having an honest-to-god pie eating contest!
- $10 admission
- You have to eat with no hands (!!)
- Winner gets a year supply of Frisch’s Big Boy sandwiches

This is pure feedee-fuel lol. I'd totally do it if I knew my face/name wouldn't end up on facebook or Instagram or something. I might do it anyway! This is honestly too good to be true.

Oh WOW!! You gotta do that!! 😁

So I went back and read all your posts. Thanks for the link, that looks amazing! πŸ‘πŸ‘ I'm formulating ideas on different setups which is fun and hot by itself, but not sure when I'll get a chance do actually do it all. I'd have to leave town to try it out in public as well...

I also read about the lower half problems, which was going to be my next question, but alas, the staying up and not super sweaty are still problems.
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Oh WOW!! You gotta do that!! 😁

After thinking about it some more I'm probably NOT gonna do it, it's too high-profile for a guy who's trying to not be recognized lol. I'm too paranoid that there'd be a coworker or neighbor in the crowd. But I think I am gonna go check the festival out, there's gonna be a ton of festival food!

I also read about the lower half problems, which was going to be my next question, but alas, the staying up and not super sweaty are still problems.

Yeah I never really found a good solution. I was thinking about getting leggings and just stuffing them with actual stuffing, like for stuffed animals or pillows or whatever, but I haven't tried it yet.
3 months

Looking for "padded-in-public" ideas

Oh WOW!! You gotta do that!! 😁

After thinking about it some more I'm probably NOT gonna do it, it's too high-profile for a guy who's trying to not be recognized lol. I'm too paranoid that there'd be a coworker or neighbor in the crowd. But I think I am gonna go check the festival out, there's gonna be a ton of festival food!

I also read about the lower half problems, which was going to be my next question, but alas, the staying up and not super sweaty are still problems.

Yeah I never really found a good solution. I was thinking about getting leggings and just stuffing them with actual stuffing, like for stuffed animals or pillows or whatever, but I haven't tried it yet.

Not doing the pie thing - totally understandable! I hope you have fun anyway!

I was on a Reddit for padding and jokingly mentioned making some kind of thigh "holster" but make it wrap around. πŸ˜³πŸ€” I own a sewing machine, maybe make one with little pockets for weights around the front and side of the thigh... hmmm. Food for thought. It would have to be stretchy for me in case my legs get bigger. LOL!

What about something like those sock suspenders for men, I forget what they're called. Something closer to that design? How strong are those things?

Thinking about your bowling idea, too. I'm not a good Bowler and would probably lose my balance with extra weight/size and slide all the way to my ass. Hahaha!
3 months