Feedback and suggestions

Messages not working

Anyone else getting a long error message when you click on your message icon?
I'm on my mobile and never had this issue before.
Just me?
3 months

Messages not working

This is what I get:

Fant\DiContainer\Container\create(): Class FantApp\View\Composite\QuotaItem not found using Reflection.[2024-04-08 04:03:14] Argument 1 passed to Fant\DiContainer\ObjectFactory::setProperties() must be an object, null given, called in /home/v4/library/Fant/DiContainer/ObjectFactory.php on line 50 in /home/v4/library/Fant/DiContainer/ObjectFactory.php on line 73 (code: 0) Stack Trace: #0 /home/v4/library/Fant/DiContainer/ObjectFactory.php(50): Fant\DiContainer\ObjectFactory->setProperties(NULL, Array) #1 /home/v4/application/FantApp/Controller/MessagesIndex.php(382): Fant\DiContainer\ObjectFactory->create('FantApp\\View\\Co...', Array, 'coString&apossmiley #2 /home/v4/application/FantApp/Controller/MessagesIndex.php(80): FantApp\Controller\MessagesIndex->writeQuotaCount(Array, 275) #3 /home/v4/library/Fant/Application/FrontController.php(125): FantApp\Controller\MessagesIndex->indexAction() #4 /home/v4/library/Fant/Application/FrontController.php(74): Fant\Application\FrontController->runController(Object(FantApp\Controller\MessagesIndex), 'indexAction&apossmiley #5 /home/v4/application/FantApp/Bootstrap.php(102): Fant\Application\FrontController->run() #6 /home/v4/public_html/index.php(25): FantApp\Bootstrap->run() #7 {main}
3 months

Messages not working

I'm getting the same error. On mobile and on desktop. It's weird! Hope I didn't have any important messages to read.
3 months

Messages not working

Anyone else getting a long error message when you click on your message icon?
I'm on my mobile and never had this issue before.
Just me?

Same for me, sure it'll be fixed soon!
3 months

Messages not working

Can confirm I see the same error.
3 months

Messages not working

Thanks all!
Always good to know it's not just you lol
3 months

Messages not working

Same error here. Thought it was just me but glad it isn't!
3 months

Messages not working

Hi folks,

Thanks for making a thread about this. We are aware of the issue and working on getting this fixed as soon as possible.

Please bear with us and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Hopefully we will have an update for you soon.

Thank you!
FF Team
3 months

Messages not working

Thanks @c00kie 😊
3 months

Messages not working

Mine too, click on messages and it brings up error code.
3 months
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