
Regretting the gains

So I decided to regain again and went back to Grommr. Two encouragers are helping me. But odd kinksters who one of which thinks I should be a punching bag with boxing gloves. The other one is into squashing which I am fine with but I am not really into it unless I want a relationship and discuss it. I have been blocked by two guys who really just set me off. I’m starting to think it’s a mistake to gain with that crowd.

So, it's not really the gain that's a problem, but the company?

Grommr is an ...interesting place. A lot of hit or miss, and some who are outright disrespectful. Is this something you can just do for yourself? Or wait until you feel more comfortable with the company you find?
3 months

Regretting the gains

So I decided to regain again and went back to Grommr. Two encouragers are helping me. But odd kinksters who one of which thinks I should be a punching bag with boxing gloves. The other one is into squashing which I am fine with but I am not really into it unless I want a relationship and discuss it. I have been blocked by two guys who really just set me off. I’m starting to think it’s a mistake to gain with that crowd.

So, it's not really the gain that's a problem, but the company?

Grommr is an ...interesting place. A lot of hit or miss, and some who are outright disrespectful. Is this something you can just do for yourself? Or wait until you feel more comfortable with the company you find?

Basically an environment that is actually better and not just cringe worthy. I have been in an out of that community and to me it’s been really just feels like it’s worse than it’s ever been.

I'm with Mick on this one here. It sounds like you don't have issues gaining, but you want to gain with someone to enjoy it with.

Perfectly understandable. I think most feedees want this.

The think you gotta keep in mind is that Grommer is owned by the same people who own Feabie. So it's no wonder you're having the issues you're having.

I've never been on there (for obvious reasons) but from what I've heard from those on it, Grommer is something of a hell site. Have you looked into other sites like Fetlife? I've heard decent things.
3 months

Regretting the gains

So I am definitely going to have to check out FetLife eventually. But so far my experience so far has been downright abysmal. I have had two guys trying to make my stomach a punching bag. It’s infuriating trying to find someone decent to talk with without being one sided. Grommr makes me feel like I should even pursue gaining altogether.

I’m at the point of just giving up gaining all together but I feel like it’s a burden doing it alone and for yourself. It’s really depressing when you can’t even find someone who is gay that’s actually into this.

I imagine your experiences as a gay feedee with gay feeders to be comprable to any woman with straight feeders. You have my condolances.

They're not all garbo, but it's hard to find those that aren't.

If you wanna stop gaining because of all this, then more power to you. I just think it's a shame because getting fat is something you love.
3 months

Regretting the gains

Yeah I hear ya, I’ve had weirdos like that want to do the same to my big pregnant belly as well
3 months

Regretting the gains

Yeah I hear ya, I’ve had weirdos like that want to do the same to my big pregnant belly as well

It’s infuriating that this is going on. I have had three guys message me and think my stomach is a punching bag. Gut punching is dumb. Especially when trying to find a partner who is into what you are into. I even made it clear that it’s not what I am looking for at all.

Just a meaningful connection would be nice. Being in a relationship with a guy who is into different things would be ideal. No matter if it’s belly rubs or anything like that I would be fine with in a playful way. Gut punching is not playful.

this is probably a dumb question but have you tried non-fetish focused dating environments?
3 months

Regretting the gains

Yeah I hear ya, I’ve had weirdos like that want to do the same to my big pregnant belly as well

It’s infuriating that this is going on. I have had three guys message me and think my stomach is a punching bag. Gut punching is dumb. Especially when trying to find a partner who is into what you are into. I even made it clear that it’s not what I am looking for at all.

Just a meaningful connection would be nice. Being in a relationship with a guy who is into different things would be ideal. No matter if it’s belly rubs or anything like that I would be fine with in a playful way. Gut punching is not playful.

Letters And Numbers:
this is probably a dumb question but have you tried non-fetish focused dating environments?

I have tried different websites and dating apps. so far it’s been all down hill. Guys are either too far away or guys who are only interested in hooking up. That’s part of the problem. A majority of the guys are only interested in hook ups and it’s impossible in making a connection to finding a partner.

Well, I’ve been off the market for a long time, so maybe my advice is crap, but it seems to me that dating apps can be extremely hit or miss, or that it’s just a very small percentage of the population who they work well for. I only know a few people in my circle of friends who met their partner online, for the rest it was meeting socially or being introduced through mutual friends, etc. Basically, the old fashioned way. Maybe a break from all the apps, especially the more toxic ones, might help things come into focus. Join some clubs! Make a push to get out more. Try it for a few months and at the very least you might have fun.
3 months

Regretting the gains

Well most of my friends are married and already have partners. Some of them I haven’t seen in years. Otherwise I would love to get to enjoy doing different things. The biggest challenges that I have are.

1. Finding friends and a partner who can make me feel better without feeling second best. Or better yet being someone’s second choice.

2. I don’t want to be in a one sided situation. Some guys try to get me to go above and below my weight limit. Like really? It’s really confusing what guys want. Like I want to gain to 300 maybe 350 without risking my health. Some guys want me to go beyond my limit. like body contrast as an example. Muscular guy with bigger guy. I don’t fit in to either category.

3. I want someone who can make me happy and not make me feel like an outcast. Like I want someone who can give me the time of day and not feel so lonely. It becomes exhausting when trying to find someone you want to be with and spend time talking with without it being a one sided conversation. I put out but they really don’t put in energy. I just about give up.

I’m not your shrink, but #1 and #3 sound like you want your personal happiness and feeling of self worth to come from your partner. Maybe you just misspoke, but I think a lot of folks would tell you that you’ve got it backwards. Maybe you need to work on yourself first and find that sense of self worth, then look for a partner that can reflect that, not create it. Apologies if I mis read you.
3 months

Regretting the gains

Well the guy that I was talking with wants me to be 500lbs but my goal weight is 300lbs. So I want to just not do it because my health is more important and I feel like that is where the one sided conversation comes in. I don’t want to risk my health beyond 300lbs. Yeah I want to be happy with someone who will make me happy. That’s why I am thinking about backing away from gaining.

I want to feel more at ease with gaining but not be told to gain more than what I want I am accustomed to,

Do whatever makes you happiest. If you have a hard limit, then a feeder worth their salt would respect that.

It seems you haven't met a feeder worth their salt yet. I'm sorry that this has been your experience.

Either way, I wish you the best of success in all of your endeavors.
3 months

Regretting the gains

It seems like everyone gets to goals and they just seem to blow past em like I get it be careful don’t go to crazy… I just don’t understand from my perspective at least I will be fat and always will be fat now I don’t know how you can come to regret gaining weight did you regret eating all the food that got you to this weight?

I have no experience with gay feeders at all let alone straight female ones but to me it’s like what came first chicken or the egg situations if this post didn’t make sense sorry
3 months

Regretting the gains

Morbidly A Beast:
It seems like everyone gets to goals and they just seem to blow past em like I get it be careful don’t go to crazy… I just don’t understand from my perspective at least I will be fat and always will be fat now I don’t know how you can come to regret gaining weight did you regret eating all the food that got you to this weight?

I have no experience with gay feeders at all let alone straight female ones but to me it’s like what came first chicken or the egg situations if this post didn’t make sense sorry

Eh. That's not quite true about the limits. Don't get me wrong; it's not unusual to adjust your goals. However, many people have hard limits. Often, these hard limits are due to health, comfort, or aesthetics.

I'm an ex-gainer. I started out at 115 lbs with a goal weight of 140 lbs. Once I got there, I bumped it up to 150, then 160, and finally 200 lbs as my hard limit. But along the way I realized I liked being muscular more than fat and completely lost interest in gaining.

A good chunk of gainers and feedees don't want to be 300, 400+. A lot of them want to be chubby or "small fat". They have a hard limit and stick to it.

It's also not unheard of to regret your gains. If you talk to enough feedists on here, you'll understand why. Common scenarios I've seen include:

Not doing the work to undo your internalized fatphobia (common with the fit-to-fat or thin-to fat crowd)

Realizing you prefer fantasy to reality

Gaining recklessly (common with those that develop health issues or have no lives outside of feedism)

Gaining to please a partner without being into the fetish yourself

Mind you that this isn't a comprehensive list. There are a thousand and one different reasons why someone might regret getting fat. Honestly, the main reason why I'm so active in the forums is to help minimize that regret for others.
3 months
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