
Should i commit to gaining?

Before this begins I'd like to say I understand it's common for people to dislike giving advice for someone they don't know at all and that is 100% rational and I do have an understanding that this at the end of the day is my decision but I really am in the middle on this.

Some background info: I'm a guy that can easily get fat but also can lose weight if I choose to. In the past year with the aid of my ex i went from 95kg(209lbs) to 120kg(260lbs), I got tons of stretch marks and I was happy about that and the weight gain but after the uni(college) break and break up(relationship) where i gained 10kg(22lbs) of the total a lot of my friends and family were telling me to slim down and due to my indifference( not due to judgement) for gaining or losing I started going to the gym and have lost a lot of fat and am at the point where if I continue to lose weight I'm going to need to buy new clothes.

I've always thought about fully committing on my own, and now that I'm single again I thought it could be the right time but have never had the nudge to just commit too it on my own, I'm mentally strong enough to not let friends and family sway my decisions if i were to truly commit but need someone to tell me to either slim down, commit( my goal would be a belly hang... +≈25kg(60lbs)) or stay where i am (109kg(240lbs)). I know where I'm posting this and the bias and irony is not lost on me and there is definitely a higher chance that people will tell me to gain weight then lose it but whatever.

Ps. Sorry for the long winded 'essay' and please let me know your thoughts no matter whether your telling me to gtfo the site or telling me to commit

Thanks in advance
3 months

Should i commit to gaining?

going through a similar decision I can relate a little bit to this. Why not just try it for a period
of time on your own. fully committing to anything in life is big decision in its self. Maybe just give it shot see what happens.
3 months

Should i commit to gaining?

To be honest !
I would feather stay in shape you are in your twenties and girls your are very really go for big boys …
Because it’s more acepbel when you boyfriends gets fat and you stay with him because” you love him for how he is” that the same girl is backing 3 time a week and is rewarding big dinners with sex because it was a romantic night were you eat her share to is not in the picture!
Plus girls usually don’t care as much for looks so the change that you get a girl that loves you for how u are and Dienst mind if you gain is high … most girls actively into feeding guys have mutiple fattys on hand, they must feel like kid in a candy shop 😅
So my advise would be say thin find a girl that’s into it or just go around wihile being young
3 months

Should i commit to gaining?

Before this begins I'd like to say I understand it's common for people to dislike giving advice for someone they don't know at all and that is 100% rational and I do have an understanding that this at the end of the day is my decision but I really am in the middle on this.

Some background info: I'm a guy that can easily get fat but also can lose weight if I choose to. In the past year with the aid of my ex i went from 95kg(209lbs) to 120kg(260lbs), I got tons of stretch marks and I was happy about that and the weight gain but after the uni(college) break and break up(relationship) where i gained 10kg(22lbs) of the total a lot of my friends and family were telling me to slim down and due to my indifference( not due to judgement) for gaining or losing I started going to the gym and have lost a lot of fat and am at the point where if I continue to lose weight I'm going to need to buy new clothes.

I've always thought about fully committing on my own, and now that I'm single again I thought it could be the right time but have never had the nudge to just commit too it on my own, I'm mentally strong enough to not let friends and family sway my decisions if i were to truly commit but need someone to tell me to either slim down, commit( my goal would be a belly hang... +≈25kg(60lbs)) or stay where i am (109kg(240lbs)). I know where I'm posting this and the bias and irony is not lost on me and there is definitely a higher chance that people will tell me to gain weight then lose it but whatever.

Ps. Sorry for the long winded 'essay' and please let me know your thoughts no matter whether your telling me to gtfo the site or telling me to commit

Thanks in advance

Don't ask internet strangers what you should do with your body. This is something you need to decide for yourself. Making a list of pros and cons can help make it easier to decide.
3 months

Should i commit to gaining?

To be honest !
I would feather stay in shape you are in your twenties and girls your are very really go for big boys …
Because it’s more acepbel when you boyfriends gets fat and you stay with him because” you love him for how he is” that the same girl is backing 3 time a week and is rewarding big dinners with sex because it was a romantic night were you eat her share to is not in the picture!
Plus girls usually don’t care as much for looks so the change that you get a girl that loves you for how u are and Dienst mind if you gain is high … most girls actively into feeding guys have mutiple fattys on hand, they must feel like kid in a candy shop 😅
So my advise would be say thin find a girl that’s into it or just go around wihile being young

As a feeder in my 20s, I this is warped look at reality.

Some feeders do have multiple feedees. I was one of them for a time. However, many more have only one feedee at a time. Of those that have multiple feedees or playmates, it's because they are not in a romantic relationship with them.

Sorry, fellas. Poly female feeders aren't very common.

As for the looks department, it really depends on the woman. Some do, and some don't. There are feeders like myself who don't care so long as they have basic hygene while others have upper and/lower weight limits.
3 months

Should i commit to gaining?

going through a similar decision I can relate a little bit to this. Why not just try it for a period
of time on your own. fully committing to anything in life is big decision in its self. Maybe just give it shot see what happens.

That's what I'm going to do, I realised it's going to bring me the most enjoyment.

I'll probably keep going to the gym like I have been but I'll drop the cardio, keep the weights( another positive:]) and eat more of what I love

Thanks for the advice 🙏

I saw your post and I wish you luck on your journey
3 months