
The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?
2 months

The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?


Don't get me wrong. There will always be people who appreciate bigger bodies - even outside of this kink. But the diet industry is extremely profitable.
2 months

The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?


Don't get me wrong. There will always be people who appreciate bigger bodies - even outside of this kink. But the diet industry is extremely profitable.

Diet, fashion, fitness, Hollywood, cosmetic, plastic surgery... SO MANY industries making too much money that bank on us hating ourselves and "needing them" to be what they define as acceptable. (And nobody will ever be 100% acceptable because cash flow will stop.)
2 months

The new norm?

Yeah, y’all raise some good points. Though, I misspoke in asking if it could become the “new norm.” There’s a lot to dismantle when it comes to those standards.
2 months

The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?

It'll certainly be the new norm as in most people are overweight, but I don't think our society is close to a point where it won't be stigmatized. As everyone else in this thread has mentioned, the fitness industry is way too powerful. And I can almost see a world where because most people are some degree of overweight fatness gets more stigmatized, as more people are marketed to lose weight
2 months

The new norm?

Through observation, I’ve seen more acceptance of extra pounds in both women and men :-)
2 months

The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?

Probably not because powerful people in the fitness industry like Coach Greg exist. That dude wants to pretty much eliminate the fats from existing by having ideas of taxing them like how we wanted to tax the rich.
2 months

The new norm?

With obesity rates rising worldwide, does anyone else think that fat appreciation will become more commonplace?

Probably not because powerful people in the fitness industry like Coach Greg exist. That dude wants to pretty much eliminate the fats from existing by having ideas of taxing them like how we wanted to tax the rich.

Yeah, bigotry is on the rise as of late. I won;t get into the weeds of it all because I don't wanna. But for the purposes of this specific thread, I will say that people are getting a lil too comfy being needlessly cruel to other people in a multitude of ways.
2 months

The new norm?

I have heard the opposite:
2 months

The new norm?

I have heard the opposite:

Looking at the data you posted, I am hesitant to say it's truly falling. In fact, the documentation even indicates that it's too soon to tell.

Honestly, I do not see it falling any time soon as the things needed to tackle the obesity epidemic is intertwined with other things that people refuse to tackle - poverty, food desserts, unwalkable cities designed by racist city planners (look up the history of Atlanta's city planning - it's actually insane), etc. etc.

Until we can tackle these things, the obesity epidemic will not go anywhere. No amount of Ozempic will fix that.
2 months
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