Story authors

Theme of the month! - april

New month, new theme. I'm so grateful for all of the enthusiasm and participation last month, I really think it was a big success and we delivered some great writing! If you were working on a story and didn't quite finish it in time, just post it anyways! Don't throw it away just because the month is over.

That being said, the rules of the event are the same:

1) In addition to being about weight gain or body positivity, stay on the monthly theme, which should be easy because the topics will be very wide and open to interpretation.
2) Try to stick to something under 5,000 words, but if the muse overtakes you, that's great, too!
3) Post in the thread! Let us know if you're playing, have questions, want to chat, and when you have a story to share. Post a link!
4) Just like with all the stories on this site, zero characterizations of minors are allowed. Hate and bigotry have no place in this event.
5) Feedback by authors and readers is very welcome, but keep it constructive. All different skill levels of writers are encouraged to participate, so I ask everyone to be helpful and encouraging. If you've never given (or received) constructive criticism for creative writing before, here's a short essay that could be helpful:

So with that out of the way, the THEME OF THIS MONTH IS:

➡️ Freedom ⬅️

A very open ended theme that could mean different things to different people. Use the thread if you have questions or you can always reach out to me direct.

Ok, start writing, and remember as these stories start to roll out, leave likes and comments if you enjoy them!
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

I already had this story almost finished but I think it goes with the theme of the month, although it is a little strange to be the first to publish
I hope you like it
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

I already had this story almost finished but I think it goes with the theme of the month, although it is a little strange to be the first to publish
I hope you like it[/quote]

First one out of the gate always gets bonus points! Thanks for posting it!

This is a cool story. The intro with the controlling military dad is compelling.

I would suggest that tagging dialogue with quotation marks would make it a lot more readable. You said that English isn’t your native language, so there are some other syntax and grammar errors that could be cleaned up, but you have some good ideas and an interesting story! Thanks!
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

I already had this story almost finished but I think it goes with the theme of the month, although it is a little strange to be the first to publish
I hope you like it

Thanks to you for the tips

Letters And Numbers:
First one out of the gate always gets bonus points! Thanks for posting it!

This is a cool story. The intro with the controlling military dad is compelling.

I would suggest that tagging dialogue with quotation marks would make it a lot more readable. You said that English isn’t your native language, so there are some other syntax and grammar errors that could be cleaned up, but you have some good ideas and an interesting story! Thanks!
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

Just letting everyone know that I, for one, probably bit off way more than I could chew with this story, and if it’s finished this month it will be a miracle. I might post the first few chapters just to get it started, but to anyone else out there that might be feeling the crunch: don’t stress. I’m not going to do another writing challenge the same way next month ( I might do poetry instead), so don’t feel pressure. Post up a chapter or two if you’re so inclined, or just post it up when it’s done. The whole point of these are to have fun. Carry on!
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

Oh boy… I’m definitely getting caught in it.

Almost done with the 3rd chapter with 1 more left, definitely cutting it close but I’m down for the challenge.
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

Oh boy… I’m definitely getting caught in it.

Almost done with the 3rd chapter with 1 more left, definitely cutting it close but I’m down for the challenge.

Don’t worry about hitting the end of the month, just post when it’s finished. Or if you feel like posting a chapter or two as a teaser, do it!

Or if you like the pressure of a deadline, YOU HAVE SIX DAYS!!!!
3 months

Theme of the month! - april

2 months

Theme of the month! - april


Amazing work getting in on deadline! Love it!

I just put up the first couple chapters of mine. I'll post at least the 3rd today, probably 3 and 4. But I don't think i'll get it all up today.

I guess I should post a link![/quote]
2 months

Theme of the month! - april

I'm going to keep this thread stickied for a bit longer, there might still be some folks who are wrapping up stories.

Thanks to everyone for playing and reading (and I promise to finish mine soon).

Do you want to just run the same theme through the end of May and give more people a chance to participate?
2 months
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