
Turn me gay and get me hooked on femme hormones and fill me up


Bro, you are so weird and gross.

If you wanna experiment with your sexuality, that'a fine. Love that for you. But you can't be turned gay. That's not how this works.
1 week

Turn me gay and get me hooked on femme hormones and fill me up


No. You are being gross and homophobic. You cannot be turned gay. This is an idea that has gotten many people murdered and tortured.

Like I said, if you wanna explore your sexuality, all power to you. But leave the bigotry out of it.
5 days

Turn me gay and get me hooked on femme hormones and fill me up

As a trans girl. GET HELP. This kind of thinking isn't healthy. Not to mention conflating the experiences of both gay men and trans women and fetishizing it to a point of fantasizing becoming a woman.
5 days