
Unsure newbie


I started gaining a few weeks ago, starting with 300ml of double cream extra a day for two weeks, which worked well. Wobblier hips and thighs, belly starting to stick out (not a fan of the incoming double chin, but maybe I’ll get used to it).

But I’m unsure if I want to continue or go back. I do enjoy the extra fat, but I know this isn’t the size I wasn’t to stay at. How do I tell if I should stop gaining, or if I haven’t reached a big enough size to enjoy properly?

I’m thinking of doing another two week double cream gain, but I’m worried about gaining more and finding out I don’t like it.

I’m 5 foot tall and 53kg (pre double cream gain) so any extra weight appears quickly.

How did you decide if you should keep going?
3 months

Unsure newbie

The article "Deciding to Get Fat" from my old site has helped some:
3 months

Unsure newbie

The "Growing Horizons" site has some tips as well--though they're VERY fat-positive. I.e., they preach it and make it sound like there are no downsides to getting fat. But of course there are.

3 months

Unsure newbie

My own take on the downsides: there are risks to getting fat, but people often take risks to do what they love. Getting fat is safer than a lot of things people do: base-jumping, playing football, name it.

In your case, Drawncurtains, you seem unsure of whether you want to do it or not. What many people do in that case is just postpone gaining until they do make up their minds. Some never do. Others might wait years, then finally can't stand putting it off anymore and jump in with both feet.
3 months

Unsure newbie


I've considered it some more and decided to try another week of heavy cream gaining. Two of my friends complained about not fitting into some of their clothes any more and I felt so jealous. Also, I'm still smaller than most of my friends, so I reckon I can gain another 5kg before people start commenting on it.

I've decided to take it slower, so people are less likely to realise I'm doing intentionally. (Although, I just had half a cup of double cream with protein powder and I had to stop myself from having the other half, but I'm thinking of having it anyway).
3 months