Fat experiences

What gets your heart racing?

Last night I sat down to a meal that was guaranteed to leave me stuffed to the max. I knew it. That moment of anticipation was enough to get me excited. Does anyone else have any moments like that?
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

walking up the stairs, eating too much ect
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

What gets my heart racing is a good horror game, an intense workout, and my partner's naked body.
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Lately, most of my pants don’t fit me like they used too. They are getting super tight in the thighs, and I can no longer tuck my lower belly into them anymore. This results in a nice muffin top with every outfit. And I just love it. I get so excited in the mornings when I put on my pants. I should definitely size up, but I’m going to see how long it takes to totally outgrow them…
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Me when I have the excitement of seeing my favourite flavour of doughnut available! It doesn’t get any better than that. 😋
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

There have been at least two times recently where I’ve caught sight of a woman out in public and thought ‘ooooh yum…she’s really fa….oh. That’s me!’ at the sight of my own reflection was pretty exciting.
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

What gets my heart racing in a good way is when my other half says something that lets me know how much I love her figure :-)

One cold night outside recently, we opted to just pig out on canned chili (shredded cheese and Doritos). I guess our bowls just weren’t big enough because my wife says to me, “I hope we have more. I’m like, ravenous tonight.” Just one of the little things she says when hungry that really turn me on :-) Her weight yo-yo’s between 320-ish and 340-ish, depending on our budget.
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

I’m loving all these responses! Last night I was sitting on my couch and my wife said my belly was hanging out. I immediately had to go get a snack
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

There are many things that do make my heart race for the good and bad reasons (like anxiety).

But for the sake of this forum topic and not to mention what site I am on, I think what will make my heart race is the anticipation of being able to properly play with someone’s belly for the first time when everything is out!

Sure after a while it won’t be as bad the more the happens. But they say that nothing beats your first time, especially when it feels like your heart is about to pop out of your chest. 😅
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Realising that my "fat pants" are now skin tight on my waist and they're elasticated
1 week
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