
Women getting stuck

A really common fetish to have so you are not alone.
I have gotten stuck a few times.
At a pizza place booth a couple years ago.
I got stuck in my BFs older Chevy Camaro not long ago.
1 month

Women getting stuck

Stuck is totally a thing. I love it cos it makes me feel absolutely massive
1 month

Women getting stuck

Stuck is totally a thing. I love it cos it makes me feel absolutely massive

You are 😀
1 month

Women getting stuck

Stuck is totally a thing. I love it cos it makes me feel absolutely massive

My stuck in the booth incident happened having a night out with some girlfriends none of which you could call slim.
We all ate until we were all stuffed.
My friend Becky and I both got stuck on opposite sides of the booth it was so funny.
The waiter helped us get out and was laughing along with us.
1 month

Women getting stuck

I've been stuck in my old Camry after a major weight gain, a Hyundai (Uber), and a bathroom stall. I also once had to change hotel rooms because I was too fat to fit in the shower.
1 month

Women getting stuck

I've been stuck in my old Camry after a major weight gain, a Hyundai (Uber), and a bathroom stall. I also once had to change hotel rooms because I was too fat to fit in the shower.

Oh yeah if I take an Uber I let them know a really small car is very hard to get in or out of for me.
1 month

Women getting stuck

I've been stuck in my old Camry after a major weight gain, a Hyundai (Uber), and a bathroom stall. I also once had to change hotel rooms because I was too fat to fit in the shower.

Oh yeah if I take an Uber I let them know a really small car is very hard to get in or out of for me.

I definitely had a moment of panic. I knew when I was squeezing in, it was going to be a struggle. What I didn't factor in was that, once inside, I wouldn't be able to maneuver at all, and even with the door open as wide as possible, I couldn't quite turn to get my legs out. I had to try different angles, and I had a couple of bruises the next day.
1 month

Women getting stuck

I've been a fan of stuckage for as long as I can remember. It used to be that I enjoyed others getting stuck, but once I started putting on weight, it inevitably turned me into the stuckee 😅
1 month