
Advantages of having a fat boyfriend

I've been working on my dating profile, and well it's still pretty broken. But, I'm trying. I was thinking about the advantages of having a fat boyfreiend and the list started to get pretty humorous. I'd love to hear additions to my list.

Clearly, I see myself as a fat person and advantages of dating me would include:

1. You can leave me somewhere, and I won't be inclined to wonder off.

2. You won't need all those extra cushions on the couch, because I am one.

3. You can have the small portion you prefer, because I'll be happy to eat half of yours in addition to mine.

4. Or, you can have the large portion you prefer and not be judged for it.

5. You can enjoy going out with your friends, because I'll be quite content at home.

6. If you think a large purse makes you look small, wait until you stand next to me.

7. If you think skinny guys are emotionally tough and resilient, you've never had a fat boyfriend.

8. Your kindness and attention never mattered quite as much as it will.

9. Adorable!

10. Won't easily get lost in a crowd.
4 months

Advantages of having a fat boyfriend

From an experience I once had, if you are way smaller than him and you walk around in a cold day with his arm wrapped around you, it feels like having a walking stove. It could not be better.
4 months

Advantages of having a fat boyfriend

I would combine 3 and 4 and keep it simpler: Food won't get wasted.

People may not be ready to think about how you feel about what THEY eat before even meeting you. 😁 But these are good! What about...

Picnic blankets and towels on the beach will not blow away!
4 months

Advantages of having a fat boyfriend

#7 seems like more of a downside to me (and very personal), I like my men to be in touch with their emotions

I agree. I've gone after mostly fat men. If there's one thing I've learned is to leave these emotionally constipated little boys alone. Their issues have issues, and they'll try to make it your problem.

That said, if you date a fat man that's emotionally mature, it's a magical thing. They are some of the kindest, most empathetic people you will ever meet.
4 months

Advantages of having a fat boyfriend

Uuuhm, reading this makes me think we should ask the programmer to increase the character limit on profile description, because i've capped it! XD
4 months