
Anyone have autosexual feelings?

Autosexual meaning sexual attraction to oneself, not “self love” which is unrelated. Im curious to how common this is in gainers or feedees since I would think they are attracted to themselves being fatter.

I’m autosexual, but that’s a given since I have hypersexuality stemming from my bipolar disorder.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

Admittedly, I used to be way more attracted to fat on others than myself. I didn't complain about being fat by any means, but I wasn't as attracted to it on me.

That said, this was also before I suspected myself of being bi.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

Autosexual meaning sexual attraction to oneself, not “self love” which is unrelated. Im curious to how common this is in gainers or feedees since I would think they are attracted to themselves being fatter.

I’m autosexual, but that’s a given since I have hypersexuality stemming from my bipolar disorder.

I'm not autosexual, nor am I a feedee or gainer. But I turn myself on all the time.

I'm also hypersexual, but that stems from my autism.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

Pretty much exclusively. To the degree that I get turned on by other people, it’s mostly by imagining what it would be like to experience what they’re experiencing.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Does it mean that I see a picture of someone who's extremely fat, I want my body to be like that?
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Does it mean that I see a picture of someone who's extremely fat, I want my body to be like that?

No, autosexual means you are sexually attracted to yourself.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

It is a bit similar for me. My main attraction is fat, and the preference is that it is on a female body. But when I was single, I was more focused on fat on my own body. Trying to imagine how that would look and feel, padding my clothes with pillows, occasionally stuffing my belly, measuring my belly etc. I can also be fascinated by a fat male body, especially if it is feminine looking (soft belly, not hairy).
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

It comes and goes. 95% of the time I just like fat on others, namely women, but every so often I'll just randomly get super turned on by my own belly or moobs. Hits like a ton of bricks, then goes away for weeks or months at a time.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

I don't think I realized it at first, but I think I do experience something along the lines of it. Years of fascination with fatness didn't just include attraction to fat women, but a sort of erotic daydreaming of myself being fat, and that being a strong turn on, imagining myself like the women I was looking at.

Oddly, for years I didn't like the way fat guys looked, only recently did I start feeling that fat men could be good looking, and that's when I finally felt comfortable gaining weight myself, and liking and feeling good about how my body feels and looks with some fat.

Now I have a lot of catching up to do for all that lost time, but it's quite exciting to picture myself being bigger, and be aroused picturing it and knowing that it's actually an attainable reality and not just fantasy.
4 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

When I gaze down at my big belly and imagine it getting much Bigger makes me more aroused than touching any other part of my body. The mind is a powerful thing.
4 months