

okapi wrote
Isn't there already a thread for this? Mine's comparatively insignificant.

I believe there is, but don't have the time to find it now...

lol something is usualy good with finding related threads smiley
14 years


Mine's 46. I still think it's a dumb measure: weight (kg)/height (m) squared? ultimately it's no more or less subtle than the old height/weight charts--just slightly different and calculable.

There's no simple adequate way to judge body fat.

But I'm still amused by finding out that I'm 'off the charts' according to most of these fearmongers.
14 years


My BMI is at 41.0.
14 years


28.5 top of the overweight category. Pretty flawed system if you ask me. I've got a pot belly still. But I don't think I'm even close to Obese.
14 years


Mine is 31.4, so I am considered Obese now. smiley
14 years


my BMI is 42.3 according to people that are my age, height and weiht I'm in the 98 percentile..meaning that I'm bigger then 98% of the population of the same age, height and weight. with 50% being average weight at 98% i'm considered obesesmiley
14 years