Fat experiences

Breathing heavy

Imagine how much more it’ll be when your even fatter
5 months

Breathing heavy

I never noticed my breathing was out of control unti I could feel my breath coming out my mouth and nose while doing absolutely nothing
5 months

Breathing heavy

I get out of breath start heavily breathing doing pretty much anything at this point I think it’s from the long term effects of Covid but it certainly doesn’t help with how fat and out of shape I’ve gotten in the past year
5 months

Breathing heavy

Morbidly A Beast:
I get out of breath start heavily breathing doing pretty much anything at this point I think it’s from the long term effects of Covid but it certainly doesn’t help with how fat and out of shape I’ve gotten in the past year

same I get out of breath walking up a flight od stairs lately
5 months

Breathing heavy

I get of out breath just putting my shoes on nowadays
5 months

Breathing heavy

I got out of breath just bringing the trash can around today. It felt like I ran a mile, my chest was on fire. We got snow here the other day and it was harder to pull the trash can up the hill. I sat my fat butt down afterwards to catch my breath, it took a bit too.
5 months

Breathing heavy

I get out of breath just by walking up a few steps.
5 months

Breathing heavy

I recently start breathing heavy from just walking to the next room. Lol more reason to not move! Lmfao
5 months

Breathing heavy

I started breathing heavily at very light exertion when I hit around 400 lb. When I reached 500, even getting up from my recliner became a strain, and I would feel fatigued instantly. It was hard, but I had to start moving and adding steps. Now I actually walk about a mile a day, slowly, across four small walks. I know that isn't much, but for someone moving 525 lb around, I'm pretty happy with it. I haven't lost any weight either -- and don't want to. Because of that, I don't want my knees to fail me before I'm 30, and I don't want to be bed bound by the time I'm 35. So the activity is critical to support the heavy body I carry around.
5 months

Breathing heavy

Im just over 130 Kgs now, ( the fattest i have ever been)
And im so easily out of breath now,
When i walk upstairs to my bed room im so out of breath i breath very heavy and fast, and my chest beats so fast, sometimes i get a little light headed aswell when i reach the top 😅

Im so fat and so out of shape now, and super lazy, i get winded getting socks or my shoes on, and also just getting up and out of my car leaves me out of breath 😅
5 months
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