

In another thread, it was mentioned that people wanted a particular look or style, and didn't like gaining beyond that style.

But for those who are gaining on purpose, espeically those with high goals, isn't the goal to dress as a fat person? Fat people wear stretchy pants, oversized tops, and muumuus because they are the main type of clothes that fit and feel comfortable.

Jeans are uncomfortable when the belly changes shape and size between sitting and standing. Pants are hard to wear when the belly droops to the knees.
15 years


Muumuu's? Really? As a fashion choice?

I think part of the problem is finding clothes that might compliment the "look" that someone might want to achieve. As for jeans and pants, there are both that have an elastic waistbands, and even with a significant belly droop, there's still the option of wearing a belt (although finding a belt that wide is a challenge all unto itself).
15 years