

So this might belong in a different area, but is anyone else having issues getting onto curvage?
12 years


Im a sad panda. smiley Where are people going to instead? This website? Anywhere else?
12 years


there is a 126 page thread over at lovethesecurves about curvage. there are 2 guys trying to bring it back but spock 'nuked' the site so there will be no archives. curvage in the immediate future is gone. it'll either be back as or, we're waiting to see while 2 dude hash out the details.

all those years, all those posts, all that reputation lost and gone. i guess i'll become a founder member for a 3rd time.

oi ve.

glad to see a thread finally popped up here. have hope my friends, things are moving, it will return.
12 years


i think the differences between curvage and fantasy feeder is pretty big, there's a huge difference between curvage and lovethesecurves, hence the 126 pages of discussion over there, mostly about the differences and perceptions of each. all 3 sites offer something different and they should all be celebrated. if it ever gets up and running again you should check it out and see for yourself. i spent most of my forum time at curvage but i love fantasyfeeder, for completely different reasons, but i enjoy both communities.
12 years


Curvage is back now. Only the basics but it's back. So... go forth and enjoy or whatever.

From the new site owner:

Welcome back to Curvage.
It is quite unfortunate that all has been lost!
However, we're back!!!

I am going to need the help of members who remember the structure of this place so we can make this feel like home again. I will continue to work on this till this place feels comfortable once again.

Thank you everyone!!

Oh and to all you faithful users...we're attempting to have Curvage rise again in all her glory! Please re-register as your old accounts are lost. We are looking for old mods still interested in mod-ship. We are working on this as fast as we can. Thank you for your patience.

No pictures just yet. Wait till we get all the old forums set up, permissions just right and public forums to be not public. Thank you
12 years


Yeah I tried to make an account there ages ago but their captchas drove me up the ***ing wall so I just gave up lol
12 years


Bit of a drag that so many posts have been lost. Do now wonder how popular the new Curvage will be? The lifeblood of any site is it's general members, if it doesn't keep up a strong amount of the "your pictures/videos" section, it will become a totally different type of site and may lose it's soul.
12 years